Duo | World Anvil

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Duo is a recently emancipated Warforged who is exploring his curiosity for his own identity and the foreign land in which he is traveling.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Mostly Faerun

Gramlek Duo
Run by JakeAO
Thu 26th Oct 2023 11:18

Big Brain Experiments

by Duo

Experiment for the appraisal of telepathically conductive material

Materials to test:
* glass
* clay
* wood
* iron
* steel
* stone
* jet†
* ruby†
† due to size limitations of these materials, container will be constructed to reasonable size rather than whole-brain, and a smaller sample placed within
Material cost estimate: 600g (200g excluding jet and ruby, only to be attempted if no otherwise suitable material passed test)
Emplace sample into rigid container composed of test material
Emplace divination-based interface weaves across sample and container
Attempt to link mind to sample via Helm of Telepathy
Compare result to baseline link established with no obstruction
Link exercises:
* probe for contact (UDP)
* probe for response (TCP/IP)
* probe for self-awareness
* apply command
* apply threat
* apply empathy

Experiment for inheritence of biomechanical neuro-operation

* polished stone
* emerald agate
* recovered undeath agate
* diamond
* lizard brain
* sheep brain
* humanoid brain (seek via donation of recently deceased, or confiscated from felon)
cost estimate: 200g
Combine biological and non-biological test material(s) via transmutation weave.
Infuse resulting gemstone into homunculous servant
* Homunculous's memories
* Homunculous's impulses
* Homunculous's skill aptitude

Experiments of Material Durability and Enhancement

Material to test:
* Sheep muscle
* lizard skin
* lizard brain
* pyrotol brain sample
cost estimate: ?
Pattern variations:
* honeycomb
* repeated sheets
* concentric ring
Layer variations of weaves of Abjuration onto test material
subject enhanced material to stress tests
* stretch
* compress
* heat
* freeze
* submerge
* puncture
* tumble

Duo's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Reflections on the Confrotation with Tovoch and Resolution of Contracts with Levon
    8th of Uktar
  2. On Culpability and Consequence
    06 Dec 2021 05:49:58
  3. Creatures and Mortality
    07 Jan 2022 05:11:37
  4. On the Elevation of Species
    30 Jun 2022 06:21:29
  5. Duo's Wishlist
    28 Dec 2022 07:12:44
  6. The Journal Entry’s title
    05 Jun 2023 06:48:52
  7. No Good Deed
    06 Jun 2023 10:14:15
  8. Observations of Fae Effects
    04 Sep 2023 05:20:09
  9. My Communion with Dol Azur
    13 Sep 2023 09:36:14
  10. Big Brain Experiments
    26 Oct 2023 11:18:48

The major events and journals in Duo's history, from the beginning to today.


04:12 am - 18.07.2023

Session 1: Welcome to Tradefront

01:28 am - 05.06.2023

Session 13: Fenbi's Spire

01:27 am - 05.06.2023

Session 1: Welcome to Tradefront

01:27 am - 05.06.2023


01:26 am - 05.06.2023


01:24 am - 05.06.2023


01:24 am - 05.06.2023


01:23 am - 05.06.2023


01:23 am - 05.06.2023


01:23 am - 05.06.2023


01:23 am - 05.06.2023


01:23 am - 05.06.2023


01:23 am - 05.06.2023

Session 13: Fenbi's Spire

01:23 am - 05.06.2023


01:23 am - 05.06.2023


01:22 am - 05.06.2023


01:22 am - 05.06.2023


01:21 am - 05.06.2023


04:15 am - 09.05.2023


01:12 am - 09.05.2023


04:21 am - 02.05.2023


04:21 am - 02.05.2023


04:21 am - 02.05.2023


05:11 am - 25.04.2023


05:11 am - 25.04.2023


07:28 pm - 17.04.2023


07:28 pm - 17.04.2023

On the Elevation of Species

Recent events have convince me to consider the direction of my research and skills. To this point, I've considered development and improvement of my own functions purely for their own sake. By improving my tools and bodily structure through the applicatio...

06:21 pm - 30.06.2022

Session 12: Into the Desert

07:05 pm - 07.01.2022

Session 12: Into the Desert

07:05 pm - 07.01.2022

Creatures and Mortality

The preconditions leading up to the circumstance in which I am composing this reflection are both complicated and straightforward simultaneously. They are complicated due to the actors and motivations they possessed. Yet they are straightforward, as once ...

05:11 am - 07.01.2022

Session 11: Endangered Travelers

01:08 am - 04.01.2022

Session 11: Endangered Travelers

01:07 am - 04.01.2022

Session 10: Hard Lessons

01:06 am - 04.01.2022

Session 10: Hard Lessons

01:06 am - 04.01.2022

Session 9: The Cursed Prince

02:16 am - 12.12.2021

Session 9: The Cursed Prince

02:16 am - 12.12.2021

On Culpability and Consequence

The recent conclusion of our vigilantism warrants reflection for the purpose of improving my own understanding of events and for any who may seek truth in records around the fate of those involved. First an explanation of context. Darnath, Gramlek, Kal...

05:49 am - 06.12.2021

Session 8: Justice?

05:15 am - 30.11.2021

Session 8: Justice?

01:15 am - 30.11.2021

Session 7:

08:18 pm - 29.11.2021

Session 7:

08:18 pm - 29.11.2021

Session 6: War of Attrition

07:00 pm - 17.11.2021

Session 6: War of Attrition

07:00 pm - 17.11.2021

Session 5: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

06:59 pm - 17.11.2021

Session 5: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

06:58 pm - 17.11.2021

Reflections on the Confrotation with Tovoch and Resolution of Contracts with Levon

After our short debate over how we should engage with the Orcs who holed themselves in a cavern beneath their fortress, Sylvie's silver tongue once again proved a valuable asset. Much was learned during that relatively short conversation. For instance, To...

05:01 pm - 09.11.2021

Duo's Wishlist

[Adamantine] Plate Wand of Magic Missiles Goggles of Night 100gp pearl owl feather...

04:51 pm - 02.11.2021

Session 4: Organized Banditry

04:01 am - 02.11.2021

Session 4: Organized Banditry

04:01 am - 02.11.2021

Session 3: Ruins of Groundbreak

09:52 pm - 27.10.2021

Session 3: Ruins of Groundbreak

09:52 pm - 27.10.2021

Session 2: Escort to Groundbreak

09:49 pm - 27.10.2021

Session 2: Escort to Groundbreak

09:49 pm - 27.10.2021

Session 1: Welcome to Tradefront

09:49 pm - 27.10.2021

Session 1: Welcome to Tradefront

09:47 pm - 27.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Duo.