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Steeling Stars

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Unknown World
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A thousand years ago the dawn of humankind heralded a new age for our world, and for a thousand years humans have stood unchallenged. The dominance of magic had come to an end, and those who clung to it faded into the annals of legend. Humankind marked their new world with their industry and avarice, and with their ambition to found a great legacy from a short life. But as humans grew fat on their spoils they neglected to see chnage was imminent.   The Age of Steel is drawing to a near, and the fairytales tell us its passing will be bloody. What comes next is yet to be determined. Old powers are waking, the fabrics that bind our existence are beginning to fray. But a window remains open. Courage, ingenuity, unity of purpose and a dose of good luck are all that's required to not only survive the end of an age... but to determine the shape of the next.

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