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An Illithid never forgets

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Glimmersea stories
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Forsworn Abocsa Crena
    Handsome young drow, tall for age, confident and unjudging.
  • Damik Gravelcloak
    Handsome by Duergar standards, writes poetry with a particularly cruel and tragic theme, is a master of breaking and entering.
  • Noselsia Metaldelver
    A hardened detective that has seen it all. has spent many years tracing the best criminals in the Duergar worlds.
  • Quagall (Henry)
    A Mind Flayer that has been separated from the elder brain and is now a renegade. Has a love for knowledge and has a hidden library beneath his house. Has been training as a wizard focusing on psychic spells. Has had his tentacles cut off his face.
  • Souras Gerve
    Gruff no nonsense locksmith. Wants to make money and is willing to bend the law as required.
  • Savant Thandgart Hammerarm
    Scientist, wizard, forensic
  • Thrithmara Steelshadow
    Stoic Cleric of the followers of Deep Duerra. Moody and contemplative, never ceasing her desire to unravel the web of the mind flayers.
  • Tresbusk
    Mind Flayer that was researching the violet fungus in the sailor's catacombs.
  • Zekt
    The cruel and cunning founder of the Mind Flayer colony
  • Zenzah Shrodrger
    Cool, calm, clever merchant.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 26th September 2020 7:30

Holy Ship!

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