Kuragari | World Anvil

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Awoken by the dim light of the sun trying to break through to the shadows I realised what I had become. My feathers had blackened and I was now carrying a sword shrouded by darkness. From now on I walked The Path of the Kage,

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Sun 6th Feb 2022 12:12

Sessie 5 FEB

by Kuragari

Vincent is back, noice.
We receive 10 grams Devils Weed. We took a long rest at the Styxs Oarsmen. We take our breakfast. The owner walks up to " Do you want to pay? ". We toss him 10 Den, he seemed very pleased. We check our new equipment and think about our next move.
Kuragari saw an old man telling a story about rolling town, where the mayor is a Sasquatch (The Tale of The Roll Off of Rolling Town). a man in a white cloak calls us to a stop and tells us about a feast tonight at The Temple of Marry Jane,
We go via the Tower Bridge to the statue of Zilla Mango. A guard approaches and tried to haggle some money. Iggy is gay with the guard.
We reach The Hero League, an independent league. It"s 14 o'clock. We go to Plaza Delphine Suddenly we hear a scream, the moonbeast just slaughtered a woman!!! Kuragari one shots the beast. We acquire another broken chess piece. We return the last piece to Louis Vintage We receive moneyssss.The Fishing Company continues to the Bell Delphine Square. Iggy drinks some bathwater and gets uglier. We go to Jinbo , who sucks at selling fish. Guts, Iggy and Thraak teach him some management skills. The rest of the group go fishing.
It's times to go to the party. We lookin' clean with our grandma sweaters. The party is filled with smoke, we can see shit.
After the party the company decided to go to Rolling Town. Before we go we hit a few places in Mango.
We enter Rollingtown and immediately steal some expensive items.(Rod of the Pact keeper) We also buy a calendar. Next we go to the church of MJ, we see a preacher sitting in the yard. "Hi guys, what can I do for you?" we rented aroom. We gp tp the rolling forest passing the local wizard. Before we leave we ask around for some info.
Guts gets second place in a rolloff in the wizard tower. After that we went to the forest in the dark. We get hit by a smokewave. When the smoke clears we get jumped by a demon type beast.
We captured the demon girl and took her to the preacher at the church of mary jane.
we depart the next morning leaving to kanalight. On the road we were ambushed by firewolfs.
Too tired, sesh doc ends here

Kuragari's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Sessie 1 NOV
    01 Nov 2021 06:20:53
  2. Sessie 5 NOV
    06 Nov 2021 01:10:13
  3. Sessie 5 FEB
    06 Feb 2022 12:12:14

The major events and journals in Kuragari's history, from the beginning to today.

Sessie 1 NOV

- 1/07/42: The party woke up and deceded to help the people of Mango (for fate quest). We went to the Kings Stones looking for quests. There we met an old chessplayer who gave us some extra info about the 16 heads. We went on a quest looking for board ga...

03:08 pm - 01.11.2021

5 NOV 2021

The party begins their journey at drug inc, it's 20 o'clock, passing the Mangarena. We see a sign "The Styx Oarsman", an image of a guy on a ship. We enter, the whole building looks like the insides of a ship. The inn is filled with sailors and kin alike....

11:28 pm - 05.11.2021

Sessie 5 FEB

Vincent is back, noice. We receive 10 grams Devils Weed. We took a long rest at the Styxs Oarsmen. We take our breakfast. The owner walks up to " Do you want to pay? ". We toss him 10 Den, he seemed very pleased. We check our new equipment and think ab...

03:49 pm - 05.02.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kuragari.

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Other Characters by StonedDunkey