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Speaker Giandro Holfast

Giandro Holfast is a native of Targos who works as a master shipwright at the town’s docks. He is proud of his work and proud of his town, and it chafes at him to see Targos threatened by the rising star of Easthaven. Like many of his fellow residents, Giandro deeply resents what he sees as Bryn Shander’s machinations to become the preeminent city of Icewind Dale, with all the other towns in orbit around it. The speaker is determined that Targos should hold its own, and though he is not hostile toward his peers on the council, he rebuffs any proposition that he believes would make Targos beholden to the other towns.

Giandro is middle-aged, with dark hair and a strong jaw, and might be handsome if not for his perpetual frown. His hands are thickly callused, and he speaks in a stern, gravelly voice.

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