Nessa Merilas | World Anvil

Nessa Merilas

An older, weary Leonin druid in search of someone that can cast lightning magic. She seems obsessed with something that happened 11 years, 5 months, 2 weeks and 4 days ago.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Nessa's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 7:

08:21 pm - 11.05.2022

Session 7:

05:54 pm - 11.05.2022

Session 6

09:40 pm - 28.04.2022

Session 6

04:53 pm - 28.04.2022

Uhhh... I'm not sure if many people will see this here, but sorry for how last session ended. I can be an idiot sometimes, but I'm gonna stop it, or seriously keep myself in check. Up to the next session we go, thanks for keeping Nessa alive through my stupidity.

11:00 am - 21.04.2022

Session 5:

01:08 am - 05.04.2022

Session 5:

11:22 am - 04.04.2022

Session 4

09:42 pm - 15.03.2022

Session 4

06:07 pm - 15.03.2022

To the plane of magic we go... I have been with these people for about a week or two, and now I'm supposed to help prevent a war? How did I even get here? What am I even doing?

02:07 pm - 09.03.2022

Session 3:

10:27 pm - 08.03.2022

Session 3:

05:54 pm - 08.03.2022

So... I guess the investigation is going... Well? I'm of little use, as usual, it seems Melody and Lexi got this. Maybe I could scrape together some money for the rest... Yeah, they might appreciate that...

09:49 pm - 06.03.2022

Session 2 : ???

10:05 pm - 15.02.2022

Session 2 : ???

06:16 pm - 15.02.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nessa.