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Nicholas al'Malaki

LG Levistus Tiefling (Mercenary Veteran)
Fighter 3
39 / 39 HP

Nichjolas al'Malaki: A talented Battle Master who was rising through the ranks quickly before suddenly disappearing under a cloud of suspicion.

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Sun 5th Feb 2023 04:44

Initial Impressions

by Nicholas al'Malaki

Well, we got out of the wagon and put some distance on the soldiers. This is definitely a motley crew. Not one I'd have chosen myself, but here I am regardless.
We have:
-World's Worst Druid: I don't know if he's ever spent any real length of time in the wilderness. He traipses through the underbrush and difficult terrain, made a frog explode, and then proceeded to get the ever-loving shit kicked out of him by a shrubbery...the shrub was on fire. I know Melora can be fickle, but this seems excessive. Claims to be a prankster...We shall see. Apparently he is mana-born. I always assumed they were either myths or had long since been killed off. I wish I'd paid more attention to my studies. Looks to be made of stone and moss.
-The Brawler: This is an odd one. Nice enough fellow, especially for a mountain of a man. He claims to be half-elf and I believe him given his ears, but I doubt the other half is human. My money is on Goliath. The man has incredible strength and raw power and when we spar I find we are quite evenly matched, but for some reason he doesn't seem to be able to get his head in the game when the real thing occurs. So far he has punched a toad so hard it exploded and tried to punch a shrubbery to death. The shrub was on fire. Calls me Nicky, but it doesn't feel disrespectful.
-The Vriskeh sihe: The proximate cause for our liberation, even if she wasn't behind it. Obstinate, prideful, spoiled, surrounded by sycophants of a sort. Not sure what I expected. Although, I did catch a glimmer of something behind those eyes. Who knows, there may be a person.
-The Enigma: Rohn is a bit of an enigma. He wields amazing power through his bow, devastating enemies and dropping them like flies with uncanny aim. Is that due to him also being mana-born? I can't say. The man also seems capable of opening a portal and disappearing into a strange and otherworldly location. No idea how he was captured or why he chose to remain captive.

Nicholas's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The End of The Road
    16 Feb 2023 04:23:32
  2. Recover, replan, retaliate
    1066 2 17
  3. New Cellmates
    1066 3 18
  4. Initial Impressions
    1066 3 18

The major events and journals in Nicholas's history, from the beginning to today.

The End of The Road

It was a harrowing run. Fleeing from prison, making it through the woods...

04:23 pm - 16.02.2023

Initial Impressions

Well, we got out of the wagon and put some distance on the soldiers. This is definitely a motley crew. Not one I'd have chosen myself, but here I am regardless. We have: -World's Worst Druid: I don't know if he's ever spent any real length of t...

04:42 pm - 05.02.2023

Recover, replan, retaliate

Recover, replan, retaliate. Recover, replan, retaliate. Recover, replan, retaliate. Recover, replan, retaliate. Recover, replan, retaliate. Recover, replan, retaliate. Recover, replan, retaliate. Recover, replan, reta...

01:52 pm - 05.02.2023

New Cellmates

New prisoners arrived today, at least one proclaiming his innocence. As if the god's would bring another innocent in here. No, I'm the only one, tortured and damned for being found wanting when tested. Bah, this gets me nowhere. Focus on the prese...

01:47 pm - 05.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nicholas.

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Other Characters by thescaryjello