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Atonement Urixes, Big Top

Chaotic Neutral Tiefling (Acolyte)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP

Atonement is a very big man, both in personality and in stature. As the second of the Urixes children, the only thing he would defend more than his beliefs is his sisters.

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Sun 6th Mar 2022 06:54

"Favoured by the Lady", Tony's Playlist

by Tony


Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA

"Don't go wasting your emotion/Lay all your love on me/Don't go sharing your devotion/Lay all your love on me"

It feels very much like a song between Tony and Lotharia. As a very emotion-driven man, having someone who accepted that and actively welcomed it was invaluable.


Voules-Vous - ABBA

"I'm really glad you came, you know the stars, you know the game/Master of the scene"

This was definitely once Tony became part of Lotharia's faithful and started truly embracing the idea of spreading the love he has in his heart to anyone that he could.


Lucky Me - Mallory Knox

"Oh when the lights go down, there's little need to behave/You better watch your mouth before I do what you say."

Tony took to his worship like a duck to water, and has no problem pointing out that he's very lucky to spend the night with someone he finds enjoyable. This doesn’t just apply to nights that turned sexual, it also applies to anything he and his friends did that wasn’t… smiled upon by others.


What I Did For Love - David Guetta ft. Emeli Sande

"Stitch myself up and I do it again/I can't believe what I did for love"

His love of everything and strong emotions are things Tony never knew how to properly tap into. And gaining his powers through Lotharia showed him he could do incredible things for love. Instead of a regretful note, it plays more as ecstatic and disbelieving for Tony.


Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye

Honestly, does this need an explanation? Though Tony, in his exploration and celebration of himself, does like to play up the sexual aspect of his personality. In the same way that drag acts do, he likes to entertain and be bigger than life.


God Is A Woman- Ariana Grande

"My one, when all is said and done/You'll believe God is a woman"

Very clearly this one is Lotharia and the goliath followers to Tony. And whilst there's clearly the sexual way to read this song, it does also ring to me as the lingering sting of the tattoos Tony got when he began following Lotharia. Once the night is finished, once the drinks have worn off, once the tattoos have healed… Then Tony would be Lotharia’s, and he would indeed believe. Because... I mean. God is a woman, a very hot one.


Come To Mama - Lady Gaga

"So, why do we gotta fight over ideas?/We're talking the same old shit after all of these years"

This one was always Devotion to the three siblings. The idea that there's nothing they can't do if they figure things out together, and that they can always come home to her. Something at least Tony hasn’t fully considered yet.


Mother - Mallory Knox

"Chin up kid you're counting down the minutes/Life's too short and you know that you're ready for it"

Entirely about Tony's move towards being the bombastic and loud man we all know and love today. The transition from growing up as Atonement to going out and exploring the world with his sisters. It was something Tony took to with a grin and wink.


Stupid Love - Lady Gaga

"Or could this love protect me from the pain?/I would battle for you (Even if I break in two)"

Honestly this one was just a vibe for Tony, something upbeat and aggressively him.


Funky Nassau - The Blues Brothers 2000 soundtrack

"People doin' their own thing/They don't care 'bout me or you"

Tony. And. The. Goliaths. To an absolute T. This is one of the songs I entirely envision being the goliaths showing Tony the way of following Lotharia and living life to the absolute fullest.


Don’t Know How - Ricky Montgomery

"I wanna do it but I don't know/I don't know how (how)"

Tony, honestly, has no idea what he's doing. And has hidden away a lot of his softer or quieter parts under the mask of being the big guy. It’s easy to wonder if you're a heartbreaker if you can't tell that you aren't one.


Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles

"All the lonely people/Where do they all come from?/All the lonely people/Where do they all belong?"

A song like this definitely reads to me as a younger Atonement becoming aware of the pervasive loneliness in a lot of people's lives. Almost like Lotharia being a presence in his life revealed where the love was lacking and where he'd be needed most.


Macho Man - Village People

...Tell me this isn't the epitome of Tony and his bombastic personality. Bright and loud and ALOT. Boisterous and overconfident to the point of being obnoxious, every bit the strongman and adventurer that Freedom's children ought to be.


Venus - Lady Gaga

"'Cause you're out of this world/Galaxy, space, and time/I wonder if this could be love, this could be love"

Entirely just a vibe for Lotharia. Goddess of love vibes are excellent vibes after all.


Immortals - Fall Out Boy

"Sometimes the only payoff for having any faith/Is when it's tested again and again every day/I'm still comparing your past to my future/It might be your wound, but they're my sutures"

Tony's thoughts on his father are... complicated and this song perfectly captures that. The constant need to be more like Freedom, to have his future live up to the adventures of his father that he grew up hearing... It was a lot of pressure that Tony put onto himself. The only relief from that pressure seemed to be the moments where he passed whatever tests he was seeing in front of him from Lotharia. Proving himself, despite not necessarily having to.


The Most Beautiful Girl (In The Room) - Flight Of The Conchords

"'Cause you're so beautiful/Like a tree/Or a high class prostitute/You're so beautiful/You could be a part time model"

Tell me this doesn't have vibes of a much younger Tony trying to hit on someone for the first time. It was something that he and his friends called back on a few times as a laugh, and were surprised when it worked one night.


Girlfriend - Christine and the Queens

"Don't feel like a girlfriend/But lover/Damn I'd be your lover"

Tony has... an odd relationship with commitment. Whilst he isn't some horn dog that 'doesn't do relationships', it's not something he's ever really seen for himself. Even before his dedication to Lotharia, a long term partner wasn't something he entertained the thought of. Perhaps it's a self worth thing, perhaps it's him wanting something with a much deeper connection than most of the relationships he'd seen in his life (aside from his parents).


Trooper And The Maid - Charlotte Cumberbirch, David Gossage, Nelson Carter, Richard Irwin, Sean Dagher

"Bonnie lassie, will you gang with me?/Bonnie lass, will ye lie near me?/I'll get all your ribbons reel/In the morning ere I leave ye"

I entirely see this as the very first sea shanty that Tony learned in his time with the goliaths. Drunkenly singing along to a shanty about a one night stand is exactly the kind of thing Tony would spend his evenings doing with his friends. It's the kind of song I can see him dancing with his friends to, a tankard of beer the size of his head in his hand and more booze on the way. Getting all the sailors in port just for the night to join the revelry, until there was no one not on their feet and singing along to the chorus. Honestly, I could also see him learning this one on the lute, and it being one of the few songs he could play flawlessly while plastered.


I’m Shipping Up To Boston - Dropkick Murphys

This song is entirely the theme that plays in the back of my mind every time I think about Tony in a bar fight. Be it a friendly punch-up with his friends back home, or a much more venomous affair. The song gives me vibes of Tony smashing someone's face into the bar, and Tony being thrown through a table. Grinning through it all.


GUY.exe - Superfruit

"Oh I, wish I could synthesize/A picture perfect guy/Oh I, oh I/Six feet tall and super strong/We'd always get along/Alright, Alright"

I get vibes of Lotharia welcoming Tony into the faithful from this one. The idea of this tall, buff, tiefling coming along and entirely fitting in with the other devotees almost like he was built to do that. Perfect in his completely imperfect-ness. It also fits with the idea of him wanting to show he's worthy of his place among her faithful, fully intending to show her what he's got.


Like Sexy Dynamite - The Orion Experience

"Your soul ignites the fire that sets me free/You know I will surrender to your ecstasy"

Whilst the song itself is just one of Tony's general vibe, it easily lends itself to Tony's very loud and bombastic front. Every bit the larger than life adventurer that he thinks he ought to be.



"I wanna be your slave/I wanna be your master/I wanna make your heart beat/Run like rollercoasters/I wanna be a good boy/I wanna be a gangster/'Cause you can be the beauty/And I could be the monster"

Tony's wants are incredibly varied, and he takes pride in fullfilling the wants of those around him (in both a sexual and non-sexual way). It's got that vibe of him wanting to be everything that's asked of him by everyone else, no matter how those wishes conflict with each other and his own. He adjusts as he thinks people need him to, such as appearing to have his shit together after the Forsaken Den when everyone else was shaken.


Victorious - Panic! At The Disco

"My touch is black and poisonous/And nothing like my punch drink kiss/I know you need it/Do you feel it?/Drink the water/Drink the wine"

Entirely a party song for Tony and his friends. Celebrating the victory of living another day with excessive booze, shenanigans, fighting... All the vices that could possibly be indulged in. With no regard for tomorrow.


Men Are Trash - Scotty Sire

"Every boy you've ever been with is a regret on your list/A waste of ever stripping out of your dress/You want a bad boy that you can fix/So every boy you fuckin' fall for is always a mess/'Cause he ain't shit!"

Honestly this one is mostly the idea of Tony and his friends criticizing someone's taste in partners, but also trying to cheer them up after a particularly nasty break up. It gives me vibes of them all at a bar, flirting and teasing with the idea that they're much better than whoever their friend's ex was. The nice flirty banter between friends, mixed with a healthy amount of shitting on their previous partner.


Beggin’ - Måneskin

"I'm beggin', beggin' you/So, put your loving hand out, baby/I'm beggin', beggin' you/So, put your loving hand out, darling"

To me this one feels less like Tony begging to be loved and more the idea of Tony asking people to be open to the idea of love in their lives. The idea of loving your work, your surroundings, yourself, the friends and family you have. It also gives me vibes of every time Tony reaches out to Lotharia for her help or guidance, needing her loving and guiding hand to point him in the right direction.


I Want Your Love - Nile Rogers, CHIC, Lady Gaga

"Sometime, don't you feel like you/Never really had a love that's real?/Well, here I am and who's to say/A better love you won't find today"

Outside of being a complete vibe for Tony, it does also fit with him deciding to dedicate himself to Lotharia. That he wanted the love she stood for, just as much as he valued the love he'd always carried for everything in his heart. He wanted to be part of her devotees, and the love they all felt with her.


Land Of Lola - Matt Henry (Kinky Boots West End Soundtrack)

"Leave that humdrum place of glum behind/Once you walk inside these doors, you're mine/Now let me blow your mind!"

THIS is how I see Tony having met his goliath friends. The idea of these extraordinary people walking into the bar Atonement was drinking in and showing him this whole new world of expression that he'd only really dabbled in before. And helping him throw himself so wholeheartedly into that expression again. It's just the perfect way for him to have met them, and the perfect song for that moment.


Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting) - Taron Egerton (Rocketman Soundtrack)

"Oh don't give us none of your aggravation/We had it with your discipline/'Cause saturday night's alright for fighting/Get a little action in"

Entirely about Tony spending saturday nights out on the town with his friends, picking fights and drinking until they couldn't anymore. Flirting and causing an absolute ruckus. It was honestly an escape for him, after everything that happened. It was good to get out and only have to think about where the next drink is coming from and who the next punch is aimed at. Which is also entirely a mentality he shares with his current self, and will suggest going out for a good rowdy night out whenever the crew needs to let off some steam.


Big Ben - Frock Destroyers

"Big Ben/He's keeping a big secret/Big Ben/So big you can't unsee it"

This is the epitome of over the top drag act culture that Tony leans into. Vulgar and over the top innuendo for the purposes of entertainment. I'm undecided as to whether this is a song Tony participated in about someone or if it was about him, honestly both easily apply here. And Tony wouldn't have it any other way.


What A Woman Wants - Matt Henry (Kinky Boots West End Soundtrack)

"What separates a man like you from a man like me/I'm a reflection/Her protection/I'm her curious mystery"

Honestly this is totally something Tony watched happen at a bar, and thought about for a long time. The idea of not needing to just be traditionally masculine to attract people. That people all wanted other things than just muscles and a cocky smirk. It's a lesson he internalized, and still thinks about to this day


Sex Is In The Heel - Matt Henry (Kinky Boots West End Soundtrack)

"From London to Milan/Stilettos are an ism/In red and neon life/Give me big red b-b-b-b-b-b-boots/New York, Paris, Hong Kong/Watch out world (watch out world)/Here we come!"

The entirety of this song is Tony learning how to rock some heels. And how best to run in them, even have a brawl in them. And damn did he look good. Bad bitches fight in heels.


The Rum Tum Tugger - Original 1981 Cast of ‘Cats’

"The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat/and there isn't any use for you to doubt it"

Tony just really has the vibe of a lazy and mischievous cat. Plus his independence, overconfidence and general cheeky nature aligns with the Rum Tum Tugger's, except... Tony has horns. That's pretty much the only difference between them.


Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry? - Lovejoy

"You got the same eyes as your father/And you carry the same kind of temper too/And then she told me that she fucking hates you"

All three siblings trained with Freedom, inheriting his strength and physical prowess. Which Tony uses in his service of Lotharia. So listening to this song gave me this incredible image of Tony kneeling over someone he's just socked in the jaw and saying 'she told me that she fuckin' hates you' in reference to Lotharia. It feels like that kind of slightly rowdier and rougher vibe, while also making reference (and perhaps comparison) to Freedom.


Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen

"Hey, boy, where do you get it from?/Hey, boy, where did you go?/I leaned my passion/In the good old-fashioned/School of loverboys"

Would a Tony playlist be complete without a song like this? Despite it feeling just like a good vibe song for him, it fits with how he grew up and what he grew up idolizing. Atonement has always felt his emotions very deeply, especially love. And he grew up watching Freedom and Devotion, who had an incredible relationship. Which is where he learned how to treat someone with respect and adoration. Following Lotharia only furthered that learning, and broadened his horizons.


Expressing Yourself - Original Cast of Billy Elliot

"What the hells wrong with expressing yourself?/Being who you want to be?/Will anybody die if you put on a dress?/Who the hell cares if your blushers a mess?"

Young. Atonement. He's never been ashamed of expressing himself. Be it in his clothes, or in the music he used to play. With the encouragement of Devotion and Freedom, Atonement absolutely flourished in his individuality and expressing how he felt. Something he's retained as he grew and left town.


Voilà - Barbara Pravi

"Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà qui je suis/Me voilà même si mise à nue c’est fini/Me voilà dans le bruit et dans la fureur aussi/Regardez moi enfin et mes yeux et mes mains/Tout c’que j’ai est ici, c’est ma gueule c’est mon cri/Me voilà, me voilà, me voilà/Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà/Voilà!"

English translation:
"Here, there, here, here I am/Here I am, even if exposed it is finished/Here I am in the noise and in the fury too/Look at me, finally, and my eyes and my hands/All that I have is here, it’s my mouth, it’s my cry/Here I am, here I am, here I am/Here we are, here we are, here we are/Here!"

This song is probably the perfect look into this raw and vulnerable part of who Atonement is. The whole message of 'Look at me, this is me, I'm here and this is all I have, all I have is me' is something that Tony isn't ready to confront yet and as such has been suppressing it. Whilst he is proud of who he is, what it means to be who he is feels far too terrifying for him to truly think about it. But sometimes, he does consider the idea of looking at his loved ones and just proclaiming that this is all he is and he can't be more than this. But they don't need that, and thus the message is left to burn a hole into Tony's insides.


Hot Patootie (Bless My Soul) - Adam Lambert

"My head used to swim from the perfume I smelled/My hands kinda fumbled with her white plastic belt/I'd taste her baby pink lipstick and that's when I'd melt/She'd whisper in my ear, tonight she really was mine"

To be honest this is totally Tony's go to karaoke song. It's one of those songs that shows off his nature as Tony the Lover, but also lets in some of his love of music.


Everybody’s Talking About Jamie - Original cast of Everybody’s Talking About Jamie

"And there was music and there was dancing/And all the drag queens had to/Lip-sync 'cause they can't sing"

This song right here is something that totally happened one night. Tony ended up on the piano at the bar, and his friends tried to come up with the most ridiculous song they possibly could. Constantly adding more and more while Tony kept playing, and occasionally added his own lyrics in. After that night, everybody was indeed talkin' about Jamie. Though... Jamie didn't exist.So everybody was talkin’ about Tony.


English Love Affair - 5 Seconds of Summer

"When the lights go out, she's all I ever think about/The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain/I can't forget, my english love affair"

Tony doesn't forget the people he sleeps with. It's not often he will just sleep with someone and entirely bounce before they get up like people would expect. But certain ones do stick in his mind. Personally, I see this song as him thinking about Elishka. But before Lighthaus, this likely would have been mostly about a few people he'd had one night stands with that had really gotten him. Those that'd had more in common with him than just being consenting adults.


I Will Always Think Of You - Jane Krakowski, Colman Domino

"Spring and Autumn/Up and down (up and down)/I keep trying to escape this town/And I just might/I'll take flight/Maybe tomorrow, not tonight"

This song holds a very special place in Atonement's heart, as it's the one that he would sing with his mother as they both sat at the piano. It was the first song Devotion taught him, and one he thinks of very fondly when he needs comfort. If anything, it's likely the only song he remembers how to play.


I’m Still Standing - Taron Egerton (Rocketman Soundtrack)

"Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did/Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid/I'm still standing after all this time/Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind"

This will change in the future, but I entirely now see this as post Forsaken Den Tony. Whilst he did feel like a scared child in there (and honestly does see himself as such), he dragged himself through. He's still standing, and he helped some of the others get back on their feet. It falls into the idea that as long as Tony is Tony, he'll keep standing. And that's what everyone needs right now.

The major events and journals in Tony's history, from the beginning to today.

The session

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"Favoured by the Lady", Tony's Playlist

[spotify:spotify:playlist:4LGRXRmA1otv4ikCZs3lQE] [h2]Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA[/h2] [aloud]"Don't go wasting your emotion/Lay all your love on me/Don't go sharing your devotion/Lay all your love on me"[/aloud] It feels very much like a song be...

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