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Larsentil Ellasil

This noble elf ranks high within the Ellasel family in Elfhaven and specifically requested this assignment from the elven council. He brought with him two junior members of his house, Vigagras and Jaz and then told them they were basically useless and that they were free to do whatever they liked once the diplomatic session began.   While he is only a few years older than Vigagras, he acts as if he is the elf's better in all things. Jaz he ignores compeltely. Neither of the two young elves understand why Larsentil brought them here.   The noble elf simply listens to the negotations and says little. Now and then he will simply state "That is foolish" or "That is not wise" with a degree of arrogance surprising even for an elf. It is clear that the other Envoys both hate him and respest him greatly at the same time.

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