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Barnabas Jovar


Paladin of Voltura. Bborn Nephilim, more commonly referred to as Aasimar. Sky blue eyes, snow white hair, and pale complexion

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Sun 27th Sep 2020 07:40

Palaver with Freedom Fighters

by Barnabas Jovar

After revealing to us his information about the Eternal Night, Ardane asked us to travel with him north to Killingram to meet some associates of his. Since we did not have an immediate plan as to what we were to do next in our quest, we agreed to accompany him.
Our journey north to Killingram was uneventful. We left our horses at a stable outside the town walls and entered the town build on hilly ground. This was a human settlement but with obvious elven influence in the architect. Where I was used to right angle and blocky structure types, the buildings here had more of a rounded curving feel to them. Also, the population mix was different here. Even though there was a mixture of different races, elven numbers were somewhat equal to the number of humans here.
Even though we left our horses behind, the wolves accompanied us. To help alleviate the fears of the populous, Willow created leashes for them out of vines. Since three large wolves were a bit much for one person to handle, Andar and I volunteered to each take charge of two of the wolves for Willow. I was given privilege of accompanying Tooth and Andar received Claw. All three wolves were on their best behavior for “wild” animals and acted like well trained dogs.
On the way to our destination in the town, we did notice one other thing that was different than what we had been experiencing in the south. The presence of the Silver Cloaks was much less here even though they did have a station here in the town.
Ardane took us to the dwelling of his friend, a lovely elven woman by the name of Anet Glendewen. She greeted us warmly and made us feel at ease and at home right away. Once again, we experienced a bookshelf passage that lead under the house to a private meeting room. There we were introduced to a couple of Ardane’s associates. One was a tough-looking tiefling male named Jore Pere. The other was a short female, human I think, named Sonnet Perpieu. I got the gist that they were both mages of different schools. I never caught on to what type of mage Jore was, but Sonnet’s became apparent during our discussion.
The two expressed concerns about the abduction of a group of mages and wanted to do something to help or save them. They asked if we were willing to join their cause to aid them. Sonnet fanatically expressed the desire to kill all Silver Cloaks and assassinate the King. I looked her straight in the eyes and told her that if we did decide to help them, we would not be a part of wonton killing or assassination. This did not set well with them and the discussion turned to Mytor and the deities.
When I mentioned that Mytor was the father of our deities, they questioned as to how I had come across that information. It was at that point that I decided to come clean and tell them as much about what we had learned and encountered as I thought fit for them to know. I told them of the visions that we had shared in the underground temples and of the conflict that had occurred in the grand hall beneath the Ellathane Cathedral.
As to be expected, they did not totally believe what I had told them, I would have been skeptical if I had been in their shoes. That was when Sonnet demonstrated her magical/psychic abilities. She asked if she could enter my mind and see first hand what we had experienced. Without hesitation, I once again looked her in the eyes and told her that she may proceed. I focused my thoughts on the visions and the confrontation as best as I could so that she would get the clearest picture possible of our experiences. Surprisingly, I felt no after effects from the encounter, nor did I feel violated by what she had done.
When she was finished, she confirmed to Jore that what I had told them was indeed the truth. Their unease with use noticeable decreased and at that point I could tell that they regarded us more as equals than rookies or intruders. The conversation continued with what could be done to rescue the imprisoned mages. At one point the idea of sneaking into a dwelling was brought up. I shook my chainmail and mentioned that stealth was not my strong suit. I did express the expertise of the rest of my companions in this manner. Andar gave them a demonstration by quietly blending in with the shadows in the room and coming up behind Anet and Ardane, tapping them in their shoulders, and starling both of them. Everyone was impressed and the mood of the room lightened up even more.
At one point, the name Clover was mentioned as someone that was being brought/escorted here, which immediately caught Willow’s attention. Evidently, this is a person that Willow knows from her past and was not expecting to see her alive again. Sonnet did her mind-melding ability again, this time with Willow. After they were done, Willow quickly left the conference room with a disturbed expression on her face. Aura followed Willow to what I assumed was to console her and to see if she was ok. Afterwards, the meeting broke up and we were escorted to a local inn, the Barred Crow, to acquire rooms for our stay here in Killingram.
Aura and Enna went to their shared room to pray and meditate. Willow and Andar went in to the town on an errand of their own. I decided to walk around the town to get the “lay of the land” so to speak and to determine what the situation and unrest level was here in the north compared to where we had come from in the south.
In my wandering, I came across a temple of Voltura. To my surprise, the temple was open and there were people inside openly praying to the First-Mother without any thought of persecution from the Silver Cloaks. This was unexpected, but I was glad that the prejudice had not yet reached this peaceful town. I talked briefly with a priest of Voltura, prayed to the First-Mother, left a donation, and then continued by reconnaissance of the town.

Barnabas's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Case of the Missing Companions
    22 Jul 2020 04:27:27
  2. Chronicles of Barnabas Jovar
    29 Jul 2020 03:53:18
  3. Dinner With A New Ally
    29 Jul 2020 03:53:38
  4. Ellathane Cathedral, Part 1
    07 Aug 2020 03:41:30
  5. Ellathane Cathedral, Part 2
    15 Aug 2020 03:20:55
  6. Ellathane Cathedral, Part 3 (The Return of Andar)
    17 Aug 2020 09:11:17
  7. The Journey North
    26 Aug 2020 11:23:28
  8. Ruins of Elendon, Part One
    11 Sep 2020 04:22:41
  9. Ruins of Elendon, Part Two - Escape from the Underground
    20 Sep 2020 06:28:56
  10. Palaver with Freedom Fighters
    27 Sep 2020 07:40:59

The major events and journals in Barnabas's history, from the beginning to today.

Palaver with Freedom Fighters

After revealing to us his information about the Eternal Night, Ardane asked us to travel with him north to Killingram to meet some associates of his. Since we did not have an immediate plan as to what we were to do next in our quest, we agreed to accompa...

07:40 pm - 27.09.2020

Ruins of Elendon, Part Two - Escape from the Underground

After vanquishing our foe, we searched the chamber for anything useful. The only thing that we found was a pile of old bones, remnants of the umber hulk’s meals. Willow gave one to Fang and gathered a few more for Tooth and Claw when we eventually ret...

06:28 pm - 20.09.2020

Ruins of Elendon, Part One

As the cave entrance closed behind us, we were amazed by a wondrous view. Spread out before us in this vast cavern was a large city of long ago. This city was something from the old country, probably build sometime during the second age. This was som...

04:22 am - 11.09.2020

The Journey North

After leaving Malletford, we traveled a full day and then made camp in the woods well off of the road. The rest period passed without incident. Upon waking in the morning, both Vater and Aura were missing. At first I was concerned that two more of our ...

10:08 pm - 25.08.2020

Ellathane Cathedral, Part 3 (The Return of Andar)

As we all stood around and watched a monstrosity crawl in through the window, we prepared for the inevitable battle to come. ...

05:59 pm - 16.08.2020

Ellathane Cathedral, Part 2

Enna, Aura, and I managed to exit the cathedral with only minor encounters that I was able to navigate with very little problem. Once outside, we quickly found our other two companions, Willow and Vater. Since it was nearing midnight, we found our way t...

02:55 am - 12.08.2020

Ellathane Cathedral, Part 1

While Vater and Willow went about some personal business of their own, Enna, Aura, and I stayed outside the Ellathane Cathedral to see what we could learn about what was going on here. The Silver Cloaks and the town guards continued to loot and ransack t...

12:06 am - 03.08.2020

Dinner With A New Ally

Once we entered Highfield we were met with an immediate encounter. Two of the horrors were accosting a woman in dark garb. We came to her aid and easily dispatched the creatures. We continued our push south to the Sleeping Spiral and the All-Mother. T...

11:29 pm - 26.07.2020

The Case of the Missing Companions

Well it happened again, another companion vanished without a trace. This is the second one in less that a week. What is happening? Both of them happened in that bizarre Fey Realm, could there be a connection to both of the disappearances? Was this our...

04:27 am - 22.07.2020

Chronicles of Barnabas Jovar

CHRONICLES OF BARNABAS JOVAR By Barnabas Jovar My name is Barnabas Jovar, Paladin of Voltura. Currently my rank is Defender. I was born Nephilim, more commonly referred to as Aasimar. With my sky blue eyes, snow white hair, and pale complexion, it...

03:40 am - 20.07.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Barnabas.

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Other Characters by Orak-Tho