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Wed 29th Jul 2020 03:53

Dinner With A New Ally

by Barnabas Jovar

Once we entered Highfield we were met with an immediate encounter. Two of the horrors were accosting a woman in dark garb. We came to her aid and easily dispatched the creatures. We continued our push south to the Sleeping Spiral and the All-Mother. The dark woman joined us, safety in numbers, and we later found out that she was a cleric of Voltura named Aura Vigil. Along the way we encountered people that we could help and save as well as more of these foul creatures from the twisted Fey Realm. At one point we came across Charlene Cromwell an individual that Andar and Willow had met when we were last in Highfield. She had just dispatched a couple of these corrupted creatures and allowed us to deal with some others while she took a break. Some of our companions were seriously injured from our earlier encounters both here in Highfield and back in the corrupted Fey Realm. I was running out of resources to help, but used what I had left as needed as did Aura Vigil even though she had not known us for very long. Vater took a nasty wound during this battle and not only was he rendered unconscious, but paralyzed and wrapped in a spider's web. Willow had transformed into her bear form once again and was able to carry both Vater and the dead body that he had brought back from the twisted Fey Realm. Our nexted encounter was one of shock and sorrow.

As we approached the Sleeping Spire, we saw a scene of death and destruction. The area outside of the tavern was littered with dead bodies both human, Vater's Jailer troop, and those of many of the corrupted creatures from the Fey Realm, some that we recognized and some that we did not recognize. The most shocking body that we saw was the All-Mother herself. She was not doing very well; her corrupted condition had progressed far greater that when we had last seen her. It was evident that she was on the last of her reserve and that she was suffering more now than she had been when we had first rescued her. We all gathered around her as she opened her eyes and spoke to us. She apologized to Vater for the deaths of his fellow Jailers and spoke us about things that related to each of us. The two most startling things that she said to us were the fact that she wanted us to end her misery and that our companion Enna was to be the next All-Mother. As to the first, I could not grant her wish myself, my ethics would not allow me to do the deed. Our new companion, Aura Vigil, was quick to draw her weapon to offer herself as the executioner, but in the end Vater was able to use one of his abilities to peacefully fulfill the All-Mother's wish. As to the second, I believe that we all were shocked and amazed, none more so than Enna herself.

The All-Mother's last request to me was to aid Enna in reaching the catacombs beneath the Ellathane Cathedral so that she could retrieve the artifacts that would complete her ascension to be the next All-Mother. This would be the holy book, The Ellamendia, and Amare, a beautiful staff of gold and obsidian. She told us of two entrances to the catacombs, one was in her quarters and the other was in the sewers beneath Malletford. I told her that I would ensure that Enna would get there or die trying, this would now be our next Holly Quest. I have appointed myself as the All-Mother to be's personal bodyguard. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and see that she gets to her destined location.

Charlene Cromwell invited us to follow her to her house where we would be safe for the night and take a much needed rest. As we reached her house, I noticed the flowers out front, recognized the type of flowers that they were and commented that Willow had been here previously. Inside, Willow commented on the fact that the insides were different than when she was here before. After a short tour, dinner was served. Some of my companions as well as myself were skeptical as to the nature of our host's intentions. We were remembering the last time we were invited to a place of safety and succor. We found out later that we had been duped by kindness and hospitality. I mentioned Voltura's name and Charlene Cromwell did not reached with adversity as did Viana, so I relaxed and enjoyed the repast. Some of the others were not so convinced and remained in a rude and skeptical mood. After the meal and a bath we settled down for the night. Vater was still leery of the situation and suggested that the two of us share a room. I believed that discretion was the better part of valor , so I complied with his suggestion. As it turned out, nothing adverse happened during the night.

In the morning, our host had a visitor that was interested in hearing our stories. He introduced himself as Cyne Gimlore a former apprentice of Ms. Cromwell. He told us that he has been travelling the land looking for answers to the Corruption and that he was extremely interested in any information that we had on the subject. We each introduced ourselves and over another excellent repast, we sat down for one of my favorite past times, a morning palaver.

My companions told what they knew of the Corruption and their experience in or around the area. Cyne was especially interested in the information that Willow told him about being inside the Corrupted Zone and being expelled from it. After everyone else had finished and Cyne stood to leave, I decided to reveal to him about the vision that Willow, Enna, and I had shared in the cave when we had first rescued the All-Mother. This piqued his interest and after we had finished, said that we had given his plenty to think about. He did mention that if we were interested in venturing to the Corruption Zone, that we should talk to Lord Henry Rosekelt in Glenrose. Evidently Lord Rosekelt is looking for adventurous individuals to venture into the Corrupted Zone. He is offering wealth and power to any who would take him up on his offer. It is my experience that offers such as this one is made by people that are unscrupulous and untrustworthy. Cyne confided with us that he does not trust this lord either but has found him to be useful in the past.

Cyne then bid us ado and left to continue his search for answers. So afterwards, we thanked our host for her much needed hospitality and started our long journey on foot to Malletford. As we left Highfield we were met with a joyous sight. We saw Willow's mare leading our horses to meet up with us. Willow asked her horse, yes, she can speak to animals, where they had been, and she said that they had seen some bad monsters and ran away. This just made our two week plus journey to Malletford only a week trip instead.

Once in Malletford, we headed for the Commons gate. This allowed us easy entrance into the city. Moving through the crowds of the Commons, we saw a disturbing sight. A gallows had been erected and there were three bodies hanging on it. Upon closer examination, Enna, Aura and I recognized the hanging bodies as senior keepers of the Ellathane Cathedral. This does not bode well for our quest.

We were stopped by a greedy city guard at the gates to the Trade District. He demanded a bribe to let us pass so we could go to the Cathedral, so Willow paid for those of us that she could. The fee for Vater was a bit steeper because of his loose mouth. Vater was an ass and berated the guard up one side and down the other. In the end, Willow got her money back and we were able to pass the gate without further hassle. Somehow Vater turned a negative into a positive.

Once we reached the Cathedral, we were not greeted by a joyful sight. The King's Guard were looting and ransacking the place. Vater and I approached the building and we were stopped by another guard. Vater was an ass again to this guard, but we did learn that our former All-Mother was blamed for the attack on Highfield so the church and anything associated with it was to be confiscated by the King. We also learned that anyone associated with this church would be arrested and executed by order of the King. Luckily, I was able to get Vater away from the situation before his attitude got us all arrested and killed.