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Eadmund Cokes

Human, medium sized, with a gaze like an old cat, burn scars on hands and forearms. Talks quietly, shares food, and laughs at even the worst jokes.

The major events and journals in Eadmund's history, from the beginning to today.

A party split

05:12 pm - 07.06.2020

A party split

10:11 pm - 06.06.2020

Back at the Inn

07:33 pm - 06.06.2020

Back at the Inn

05:11 pm - 23.05.2020

Back at the Inn

05:11 pm - 23.05.2020

Onward to Mountains Crossig

07:11 pm - 29.04.2020

-2 hp fell off horse

05:59 pm - 25.04.2020

Onward to Mountains Crossig

03:51 pm - 25.04.2020

The village under seige

03:21 pm - 19.04.2020

The village under seige

01:12 am - 19.04.2020

The village under seige

04:04 pm - 18.04.2020

Merchants Folley

04:26 pm - 15.04.2020

Merchants Folley

05:07 pm - 11.04.2020

Intros Session

01:54 am - 05.04.2020

hay on 3rd

06:55 pm - 04.04.2020

rolled 6 on 3rd

06:54 pm - 04.04.2020

1st arrow outer ring 2nd hay

06:54 pm - 04.04.2020

7 on 2nd arrow

06:51 pm - 04.04.2020

12 on first arrow

06:50 pm - 04.04.2020

Cromwell "ride or die hype man" Thorne

05:40 pm - 04.04.2020

Intros Session

05:17 pm - 04.04.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eadmund.