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Goland Tarna

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Basic Starting Concept

Goland Tarna is a story that takes place in what could be our past and our future. This fantasy world, Grea, the embodiment of pure evil, is breaking down the dimensions between worlds to touch our world once again. The overall plot is about a group of teenagers who are forced into a world of adventure. They dreamed of leaving their small farming village and experiencing a life of adventure from the stories they grew up with. This village is part of the kingdom of Ketha although no one in the village is aware of it. They hadn’t seen a tax collector in generations. Mostly due to them being surrounded by harsh terrain that few dares to travel through.


In a time of legends in the distant past mankind learned to tap into a cosmic power that bound heaven and earth. They could weave these cosmic threads like an artisan craftsman making cloth. Not everyone could do it and many who could have to be taught or risk their death or of those around them. Over time a grand council was formed called Ema Nagu. Those who became the Ema Nagu were renowned and respected. They kept the peace between nations, healed the sick and dying, created wondrous items of power (now mostly lost to the world), and traveled the world and even to some other worlds. The Emu Nagu were able to retain some of their ancestral memory and they aged much slower than others. Ancestral memory and other talents trickled into other humans that didn't have the ability to manipulate the cosmic threads. Some people could see through time, some could speak with animals or even become one and some could even walk between worlds.

There are two pools of cosmic power that the Emu Negu use. They don't choose which one they pull from and how they use each of those sources is very different. One source was called Ichtin the other was Esthan. Those who could pull Ichtin could more easily manipulate fire and wind. To weld, this power was like controlling a raging river. Those who could pull Esthan could manipulate air and spirt. To weld Esthan you had to learn serenity can calm.

In this time of legends, when the world was at peace and people lived to better themselves and society, I group of Ema Negu thought they had found an even greater source of cosmic power. With this, they thought they could expand mankind's knowledge and potential. It was on this day that the world discovered Grea. Grea was a cosmic creature of pure malevolence who wanted to remake the world in his twisted image. Only a part of him was able to touch our universe but it was enough to create havoc. He tempted many to follow him with the promise of power and immortality. Even some of the Ema Negu joined Grea calling themselves Huntarc Warriors. Those who did were able to control a fraction of his power and became powerful enemies. The armies of Grea were created; twisted unnatural creatures of pure evil.

The leaders of the Emu Negu, Marcusius Hunter and Gia Mohinder, unified the remaining Emu Negu as well as all the great nations of the world to fight back. They were successful and were able to patch the hole Grea used to touch our world. Before the patch was finalized Grea did 2 last attacks. One was to leave a disease of corruption for all Ichtin Emu Negu who used the who used cosmic power, driving them mad. The other was to push one of his Huntarc Warriors to the astral plane. As half of the Emu Nagu went mad they forced the world into the time of the great cataclysm. Lands shifted, mountains chains rose or fell, tsunamis destroyed villages, fires consumed nations, and so much more. The acts of destruction killed the women causing them.

Marcus created a task force of men to find the Ichtin Emu Negu who could weld the great power and cut them off from it. He was the only one strong enough to be a match for Gia. He found her cooking dinner for the family she had already killed seemingly unaware they were dead. She welcomed him and asked him to join them. He reached out to the great power and tried to cut her off. Even in her current state, she knew what he was trying to do and she fought back. He was able to give her a moment of clarity and she could see what she had done. At that moment, the grief at the sight of her family overwhelmed her and she took in more power than her body could handle and destroyed herself and Marcus leaving behind a mountain.

Time passed and mankind rebuilt itself. So much had been lost in their old lives. People fought over resources again. Over time the world moved on and stabilized. Eventually, all this became just legends and folklore. The Emu Negu remained but a remnant of what it had been. Houses were created, each with a purpose. One of the houses was tasked with finding potential Ichtin Emu Negu who could weld the Great power and cut them off before they could go mad. If the Esthan Emu Negu didn't get to them before they started to touch the source of power the Ichtin Emu Negu were left hollow and many withered and died.

Over time the number of Ichtin found grew less and less. Even the number of Esthan became less.

On her death bed, the great oracle Mia Natriss foretold that there were children of Gia and Marcus orphaned but alive and that they would be reborn in their ancestors at a time of great need. She also said that the Dark one Grea would once again break free to touch the world again and that we would need these heroes to save us. If they didn’t succeed then the world would be lost. There would be many signs that the Great rebirth was happening.

The prophecy was cryptic and no one knew for sure what the signs mentor when it was supposed to happen. Scholars in all the great nations studied these writings and came up with their own theories. The things they all agreed on is that they would break the binds of many of the great nation-states, they would unify rival nation-states, fight the new armies of Grea, and that Marcus’s blood would be spilled on the mountains of Raath Micaric (the place where the original hole was created and where the border armies still fight the twisted creatures left behind from the great war). Most people only thought of them as scary stories. Parents used these stories as well as the stories of the time of legends as tales of morality to teach and frighten their children.