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Sergeant Phylipe Azurand

Phylipe is an old sailor Swashbuckler 3 and the highest ranking NCO. He's the one who really runs the Garrison and is overseeing the construction efforts and day to day business while the Captain focuses more on taming the surronduing countryside.   He's in his early 40s, and doesn't plan on re-enlisting when he's done. He loves to play dice, and he has a small dinghy he takes out fishing or uses to explore the rock formations of the River's Teeth, the columns of basalt splinters which the river flows through to empty into the ocean. He has a wife and two sons, one of whom is a Companion of the 5th rank, and the other of whom is a Tempest Sorcerer 3 serving as a specialist in the New Order in his Decade, working for commission as a guide on ocean voyages or seafaring vessels for fees paid to the Garrison.   His wife is ill, however, with some strange fever. He is distracted at the moment, but he is the sort of man who gets lost in his work and therefore the town is running quite smoothly under his administration.