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The Colonel Kentucky

Handsome, rich, good-looking, wealthy, has money. Hasn't committed tax fraud, isn't on the move because of that. Sells crispy chicken made with a secret sauce.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Colonel's history, from the beginning to today.

04:59 pm - 17.09.2021

Visit my new restaurant in *location omitted by the IRS*

08:20 pm - 15.09.2021

!If there is no profit there is no reason!!

08:17 pm - 15.09.2021

Saw my Mentor today

08:16 pm - 15.09.2021

Helped a man lose some weight today, also got a new wallet!

08:10 pm - 15.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Colonel.

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Other Characters by Denthanos