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Clive Zarabet

Clive Zarabet, level 3 Expert, Male Human from Port Nigh
11 14 12 12 14 11
0 +1 0 0 +1 0

A pious Zadian sniper who worships Adeline the Huntress

Campaign & Party

Thu 8th Jul 2021 06:42

Cocktails with Clive -- "Super-Hero Sunrise"

by Clive Zarabet

'Is'un's a special one, cuz you don't mix it or anything. Each part stands on its own:
-In the middle is gonna be juice from a squeezed orange, a little bitter and citrusy--that shady dragonborn we had in custody escaped, thanks to some rat-faced guard named Corbin who fell asleep on the job. Feckin' amateur. Our fanged friend did, however, leave us behind a strange looking glass, can see things that aren't--or rather--are there.
-What really sinks to th' bottom, though, th' heavy stuff, is the grenadine syrup (I like Braubirn Deluxe), in this case th' fact that what we found in the library was a feckin' prophecy from some Dedrea asshole, some Sleeping and Forgotten Gods bullshit about TH' RETURN OF THE NASTY OLD BLIGHTERS WHO GOT CUT OFF FROM THIS WHOLE FECKIN' PLACE. Not! My! Paygrade!
-Ahh, shite... th' stuff that rises to the top, on the other hand, is that speech from Zadrick. Surprisingly profound; wasn't sure 'e had it in 'im. But 'e starts talking about the chance we got to do good and save the world and all that feckin' rubbish. And then there's Mercy, seems to be caught up in it 'erself... and I can't let these people go it alone, not now. Ahh, dammit. What's a dusty old god to a blighter who's survived a feckin' bomb plot and homegrown terrorists? Oh, but, uh, the ingredient--Hadrian Fires tequila. Real strong. Smacks you awake when you're about to nod off.
Serve on the rocks. Th' heavy stuff will sink t' th' bottom. Stir gently--you'll get this... really nice sunrise effect. Looks real pretty.
Ahhh... Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry.

The major events and journals in Clive's history, from the beginning to today.

Cocktails with Clive -- "Super-Hero Sunrise"

'Is'un's a special one, cuz you don't mix it or anything. Each part stands on its own: -In the middle is gonna be juice from a squeezed orange, a little bitter and citrusy--that shady dragonborn we had in custody escaped, thanks to some rat-faced guard...

06:42 pm - 08.07.2021

Cocktails With Clive -- "Black Dragon Gin"

-Mix two parts Pusir Plum Gin and one part sweet Salimantica Vermouth. When mixed properly, they should take the blueish-dark hue of the black dragonborn we met in the library, inscrutable as a stone. -Add a dash of Rainbow Palace bitters; this tastes ...

02:59 pm - 11.05.2021

Cocktails With Clive -- "Death in the Library" Wine

-Pour one flask of Green Fairy Absinthe into a crystal wine flute that's been freezing its base off on a cushy assignment in the capital -Add iced Verin Vineyards Cranberry Rosé (the fancy shite they serve the professors at the Great Library) until th...

12:38 am - 23.04.2021

Cocktails With Clive -- "Capital City-Bound Sake Bomb (Plot)"

[b]Take[/b]: A shot of warm Draconian sake (any kind, I can't tell the feckin difference, who knows what Draconians do with their feckin' alcohol). This represents Zadrick--Huntress bless 'is 'eart--Mercy, and myself, with know idea how deep we were go...

10:09 pm - 21.03.2021

I'd say this Zadian Royal Guard getup suits me, if I'm bein' quite honest.

06:27 pm - 14.03.2021

"Hero of Port Nigh"

Not only did I save my city from a bomb plot, I got promoted to the royal guard of King Ivadra while I was at it! Not too shabby, eh?

06:26 pm - 14.03.2021

Cocktails With Clive -- "Blow My Skull Off Brandy (The Port Nigh way)"

Mix -Two pints boiling water -One pint Zadian Firesnake -One pint Errebonian Ale -Half pint Blue Hippogriff Brandy -Sprinkle smuggled vitrum to taste -Sprinkle in a couple close calls Serve in a pressure cooker of a city without at...

04:32 am - 11.01.2021

Cocktails with Clive - "The Civil Unrest Special"

-2 parts treason -1 part ideological blather -drop of murdering feckin civilians Garnish with a strange bird girl, a few 'ead poppers, and whatever the feck Zadrick crams inna his ears and calls 'is brains. ...

03:39 am - 04.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Clive.

Played by
Cinder of Redhearth

Other Characters by Cinder of Redhearth