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Halia Thornton

You see a woman well muscled, short for a goliath with wild red curls exploding from her head and down her back. One of her eyes is a soft brown, the other has been replaced by a black onyx stone. She has sharp pointy ears, with high cheeks bones and a mischievous smile. Her nose is slightly crooked as if it had been broken - her teeth too, if you look closely are slightly bent out of alignment. . She wears a red leathers - well cut and of the highest quality and on all of her fingers and thumbs are gold rings, several with red and yellow gemstones.   Motivation: want to recruit more people into the Zhentarim - wants to be buddy buddy with anyone who looks like they could be powerful Motivation: wants to take over Phandolin - thinks Webster is too controlling and has done nothing to earn his place     VOICE: soft seductive DARRRRHHHHLLLLIIINNNNGGGGG   PERSONALITY:   Calm: calculating, but mischievous - she always seems to be letting you in on a joke - fierce and money driven   Stressed: Secretive - backstabbing   Prejudiced: the powerful rich   Flaws: Can’t resist flirting     Phandolin Miner’s Exchange:   Miners come here to have their valuable finds weighed, measured and paid out. The exchange also serves as an unofficial records office, registering claims to various streams and excavations around the area. PCs can come here to sell gems etc.     ZHENTARIM:   Halia is an agent of the Zhantarim (The Black Network) - a shadowy organisation that seeks to exert secret control over the North through wealth and influence - she is working slowly to bring Phandolin under her control - she can become a valuable patron to those who don’t cross her.

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