Erthos | World Anvil

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Serpents First, Glory Second

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Erthos's history, from the beginning to today.

Recently the name of Serpent Brothers has become a talk of The Quarters. I want to assure you that we accept members of all identities. Brotherhood is a mentality, and we welcome all forms of brotherhood. -Erthos

05:53 pm - 04.07.2022

The Serpent Brothers would once again like to apologize on behalf of two of our members. For now, they have been put on probation, and we are monitoring their behavior closely. We will not tolerate behavior that harms other people. Thank you. -Erthos

05:50 pm - 04.07.2022

Remi caught this moment between me and Vercina. My little sister sure has some strong opinions about The Quarter's ale supply. What's your favorite drink at The Shipyard Tavern? -Erthos

05:10 am - 22.06.2022

I wanted to take a moment and thank Shaderun for sponsoring The Serpent Brothers. We are already on our way to being the best mercenary group out there. Keep the jobs coming. -Erthos

04:42 am - 22.06.2022

The Serpent Brothers are looking for new members who are willing to slash and stab their way to victory. Private message me if you are up for the challenge. -Erthos

04:41 am - 22.06.2022

If anyone sees Togg around The Quarters, send him back to the Shaderun District for an ass kicking. -Erthos

04:38 am - 22.06.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Erthos.

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Other Characters by cmahan15