Liam Just Liam | World Anvil

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Liam Just Liam

I run a tavern.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Liam's history, from the beginning to today.

despite the rumors that are going around no their was not a fire at the inn and no Jeis did not set the fire that definitely did not just happen at the inn. The smoke was part of a new preparation process that I have for my delicious brisket that i will be serving this week and not from arson so please stop asking and just come buy food

05:40 am - 22.06.2022

If anyonE has a goat theyd like to sell I would gladly take one. We want to provide fresh goat milk at the inn and the only way we can do that is if we have a goat to keep so please let us know if you know of anyone who has one, otherwise we are going to have to only provide cow milk

05:37 am - 22.06.2022

the phandalin inn is going to be having an extra special special this week where we give you all two free meads with every plate of liver and onions that you order.Greta has been working hard in the kitchen her food is some of the best in town and we want to give her the best possible compliment by selling out of this good food. Pleas come help us get rid of this food

05:35 am - 22.06.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Liam.

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Other Characters by cmahan15