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Rel Mirrim

Anxious goblin wizard trying to make his way home.

Mon 27th Sep 2021 04:59

The journey of 1000 miles begins with random bullshit.

by Rel Mirrim

I met with Pip and my soon to be traveling companions today. The people around here are, to put it mildly, strange. There's a halfling that seems fairly normal, but the others argued over ale, helped steal liquor from behind the bar at the urging of our guide, and then attempted to rob our guide. Oddly enough, he seemed unbothered. He simply chided the thief for stealing too much, letting him keep only a third of his stolen platinum. I do not understand any of their actions, but it isn't my money and hopefully won't become my problem. The most interesting part of the visit was when Pip displayed what seemed to be the Wristpocket spell. To my knowledge, no one outside of Xhorhas knows about Dunamancy, let alone is capable of using it. I must speak to him further about this on our journey. We leave in the morning. At Pip's suggestion, I will be buying more rations and cold weather gear to supplement my traveling supplies. I will also pack away my robes and buy clothes suited for travel. The only two that seem to be consistent in style are the wood elf and one of the humans, so I will dress as they do to blend in better. I've seen more than enough clothing like that down near the docks where I first arrived.
We've been on the road for what seems like forever - at least three or four days. Last night Pip got drunker than usual. I still couldn't get more out of him about his casting Dunamancy than, "You pick things up." But he did grab my book and scribe the spell in there for me. What should've required four hours work, a clear mind. and special inks this man did blitzed out of his mind with a quill he conjured in a matter of minutes. It's going to take me some study to be sure he did it correctly, but at this point everything looks right. I don't understand what happened, but I will be watching this man carefully for the rest of our journey.

Rel's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Rel's history, from the beginning to today.

The journey of 1000 miles begins with random bullshit.

I met with Pip and my soon to be traveling companions today. The people around here are, to put it mildly, strange. There's a halfling that seems fairly normal, but the others argued over ale, helped steal liquor from behind the bar, and attempted to rob ...

04:33 pm - 27.09.2021

A funny thing happened on the way to the Bastion

It was a typical dark day in Rosohna. I was heading home from studying at the Marble Tomes. I was expected for service at the temple of the Light in the Lucid Bastion. I was calculating how many times to cast Unseen Servant to handle all of my cleaning du...

04:21 pm - 27.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rel.

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Other Characters by rumsgone