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Mon 27th Sep 2021 04:21

A funny thing happened on the way to the Bastion

by Rel Mirrim

It was a typical dark day in Rosohna. I was heading home from studying at the Marble Tomes. I was expected for service at the temple of the Light in the Lucid Bastion. I was calculating how many times to cast Unseen Servant to handle all of my cleaning duties in the least amount of time when I heard a strange humming noise. I looked around and suddenly was engulfed in this silvery flash of light. Suddenly my senses were assailed with strange smells and sounds. When my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sunlight in front of me, I found myself alone in an unfamiliar alley. I heard the caws of sea birds and smelled the strange salt air. Everywhere I looked, passers-by on the street were dressed in bright colors. Massive ships creaked as waves pressed them against the docks.
The first few days in what I quickly discovered was Port Damali were disorienting and unpleasant. I found a local merchant and sold off some of my scholarly supplies, trading them in for more practical traveling gear. I got a room at a place I normally wouldn't consider acceptable for our family's servants. I sat in taverns and coffee shops, listening to local accents so I could hide my own. And I began making plans to manage my return to the Lucid Bastion.
Asking around, I made the acquaintance of a man who claimed he could get me at least partway back home - an odd individual going by the name of Scrubious Pip. He will be taking me, along with a group of mostly humans, to the Empire city of Zadash. Talking to the local bookseller I dealt with when I first arrived, I have discovered there is a large library in Zadash maintained by the Cobalt Soul. Visiting there should be worthwhile, and provides a believable pretext for my journey. From there my best bet, I think, is going to be making my way to Talonstadt and cross over from there.

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  1. A funny thing happened on the way to the Bastion
  2. The journey of 1000 miles begins with random bullshit.