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Thomas Archhand, High Sage of Anur

Few men or women are as accomplished as Thomas Archand. His position as High Sage in Freehold is well earned as the man has no less than 11 sage doctorate degrees and 14 masters. Born to weatlthy merchants he made a name for himself modeling financial patterns and adjusting harvest times, trade routes and regional consumption rates to ensure that economic disruptions were minimzed.   He is equal parts sage and merchant and quite rich as a result. He is also the head of the diplomatic mission from the Coalition of Free Cities and it was Thomas that assigned both Ernkul and Evelyn to the diplomatic alternates to ensure that they do not get into trouble or disrupt the negotiations.   It is said that Thomas never does anything without good reason and he always as a layered plan that takes into account unforseen complexities. He certainly has tremendous knowledge from which to draw upon but this has left the man distant and aloof.   Despite calling for these negotaitions it's almost as if the threat of war is a petty minor concern that is barely worth his attention...

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