Linene Graywind | World Anvil

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Linene Graywind

She knows that bandits have raided Lionshield caravans, but she doesn't know who is responsible. In a back room, Linene keeps a supply of armor and weapons, all of which are for sale to interested buyers. Linene has a few scruples, however, and won't sell weapons to anyone she thinks might be a threat to the town. Among those with whom she refuses to do business are the Redbrands. She warns the characters that the ruffians are trouble and advises them to avoid.   Linene appears to be overtly racist to dwaves and has found the elf Ti'linni beautiful and bartered a date with her in the past.   She offers a discount to the colonial rangers for thier services to the community.

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Phandalin - Lionshield Coster

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