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The Endless Derloth Darkiron
The Scary Robot

LE Gearforged (Shadowforged) (Endless Soul)
Warlock 3
29 / 29 HP

Derloth stands as an ominous figure diffusing the shadows from his very being. He seems to be devoid of emotion and wise well beyond his apparent age. The shadows are strong with him and his motives are very unknown.

Autome 4th, 22221

Campaign & Party

League of Nightmares

Drordraz Isha Eissturm Derloth Mara
Run by Raven Gladstone
Played by
Omega 14th, 17213

Memories of the Ages

by The Endless Derloth Darkiron

I was born in a small village to an impoverished family in the year 16,936. My childhood was spent working hard long days with short reprieves spent with my friend Regar. I lived a simple life far from the wonders of the world always questioning if I would ever see them. This question was forcefully answered for me in the year 16, 958 when the Demons attacked. It was a quiet afternoon as it always was and I was out tilling the fields when I first saw a burst of flame in the center of town. My ma and sister had just gone into town for some supplies and I knew they would be close to whatever was happening. I dropped everything and sprinted with everything I had to quickly get to town. I fell down to the ground in an attempt to quickly stop as I saw a creature from the abyss standing before me eating a full-grown man. I had never been so scared in my life quivering in pure fear. It was only broken once out of the side of my vision I saw them my sister and mother cowering before a colossal being that advanced at them menacingly. I quickly stood from my petrification and ran to place myself between them. I screamed at the foul creature "Leave them be, take me"! The foul thing laughed deeply and demonically it then said to me "yaf eizmyzut pyiz witc xe sudd cudd haf vorv oyiwz al zmyur pirras idd zmy wipy. Yaf vory mydedyww za wzae zmiz!" I had no idea at the time what the creature said but now with time, his words resonate with me as strong as ever. I was struck down swiftly by the massive flaming whip it wielded. Then it was nothing but darkness when suddenly I heard their voice from the endless dark. "Do you hate them, Do you want to feel their souls depart by your hand?" the voice shook my soul with its power so much more powerful than even the creature that slew me. Again it spoke saying" I will give you the power to take your vengeance at a price, do you accept this?" my mind raced with what this being was and its intentions but my heart still longed for satisfaction. I finally spoke, "Anything, I will do anything to kill that disgusting creature and avenge my family!", it uttered once more, "It is done"! Power swarmed me warping my soul and forging dark steel where flesh once lay. I awoke in the ashes of my town as myself but not remotely the same. I began to hone my trade and create myself into the ideal weapon for slaying this creature I learned all I could of the Balor such as where they come from, where they dwell, what are their weaknesses, etc. It took me twenty years to build the strength necessary and I found the beast's hole. It was a long battle as he had his dominion surrounding him in the end I struck down the beast holding on by false life. I fell knowing I had succeeded and was ready now for rest. As I close my eyes and died for the second time I was at peace, very short-lived peace. The voice appeared once again "Vengence has been achieved but rest you shall not receive." I didn't know what the voice spoke of only wondering if I would regret my pact. It said to me "You shall wander the earth as a creature of vengeance without a target for your retribution you will still fall but never pass on this is now your eternal curse". I awoke in a cursed land with a gateway before me I stepped through it reappearing on the material plane in the same metal body, this was my fate many times as I fell the being also sapped my power obtained from during my quest for retribution.

The major events and journals in Derloth's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 3: Off to Varr

02:33 am - 01.05.2022

Session 3: Off to Varr

05:45 pm - 30.04.2022

Session 2:

09:57 pm - 09.04.2022

Session 2:

05:50 pm - 09.04.2022

Session 1: Pick up were we left off ...

09:23 pm - 26.03.2022

Session 1: Pick up were we left off ...

07:04 pm - 26.03.2022

Final Touches and reintergration

09:27 pm - 19.03.2022


Autome 4th, 22221

Memories of the Ages

I was born in a small village to an impoverished family in the year 16,936. My childhood was spent working hard long days with short reprieves spent with my friend Regar. I lived a simple life far from the wonders of the world always questioning if I woul...

08:17 pm - 19.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Derloth.

Played by