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3 Level (2592/2700 XP for level-up) Endless Soul Background Gearforged (Shadowforged) Race / Species / Heritage LE Alignment
Level 3
Hit Dice: 3/3
1d8+3 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
Spellcasting ...
+7 Attack mod
CHA Ability
+5 Abi Mod
15 Save DC
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+1 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+1 Intelligence
+4 Wisdom
+7 Charisma
saving throws
+3 Acrobatics DEX
+2 Animal Handling WIS
+1 Arcana INT
+1 Athletics STR
+7 Deception CHA
+3 History INT
+2 Insight WIS
+7 Intimidation CHA
+1 Investigation INT
+4 Medicine WIS
+1 Nature INT
+4 Perception WIS
+5 Performance CHA
+7 Persuasion CHA
+1 Religion INT
+3 Sleight of Hand DEX
+3 Stealth DEX
+2 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Pact Weapon Glasssteel Bastard Sword +9 CHA 2d6+6 S
 Versatile 1d10, Balanced
Eldritch Blast +7 CHA 1d10+5
Pact Weapon Glasssteel Bastard Sword +9 CHA 1d10+6 S
 Versatile 2d6, Balanced

Spell Book

Pact of the Blade
You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it. You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Your pact weapon disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.
You can transform one magic weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest.
You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can't affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.

Devil's Sight
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
Agonizing Blast
Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast cantrip
When you cast Eldritch Blast, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.

Features & Traits

Equipment Copper: 14, Silver: 35, Electrum: 0, Gold: 48, Platinum: 0 Money

Light, Medium Armors
Simple, Martial Weapons
Navigator's Tools
Cartographer's Tools

Languages & Proficiencies
I am keeping a list of things I have left to do, it's not very long.
I openly accept death because I know I will be back.

Personality Traits
Power. I can do whatever I want, because who's going to argue with a being who cannot stay dead. (Evil)

I have a bond with someone who died long ago and you still protect their descendants.

I still suffer nightmares and visions of the moments my life has ended.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment



Shield Common

A shield is made from wood or metal and is carried in one hand. Wielding a shield increases your Armor Class by 2. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis. Properties
Shield +2

Cost: 10 gp Weight: 6 lb


Potion of Healing

Potion Common

You regain 2d4+2 Hit Points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated.

Weight: .5lbs


The statblocks of your class features


Hit Points

Hit Dice: d8 per Warlock level
Hit Points at first Level: 1d8
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier


Armor: light armour
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, and Religion

Starting Equipment

You start with the following equipment in addition to the following granted by your background   (a) a light crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon (a) a componants pounch or (b) an arcane focus (a) a scholars pack or dungeoneers pack leather armour, any simple weapon, and two daggers


Charisma is your spell casting ablity for your Warlock spells, so you use your charisma whenever a spell refers to to your spell casting ability. in addition you use your charisma modifier when setting your saving throws DC for a Warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one

Warlock Hexblade

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d8 per Warlock Hexblade level
Hit Points at first Level: 8 + Con Mod
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (5) + Con Mod


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: All Simple Weapons, All Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wis, Cha
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, and Religion

Overview & Creation

Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular.   Warlocks are driven by an insatiable need for knowledge and power, which compels them into their pacts and shapes their lives. This thirst drives warlocks into their pacts and shapes their later careers as well. Stories of warlocks binding themselves to fiends are widely known, but many warlocks serve patrons that are not fiendish. Sometimes a traveler in the wilds comes to a strangely beautiful tower, meets its fey lord or lady, and stumbles into a pact without being fully aware of it. And sometimes, while poring over tomes of forbidden lore, a brilliant but crazed student's mind is opened to realities beyond the material world and to the alien beings that dwell in the outer void.   Once a pact is made, a warlock's thirst for knowledge and power can't be slaked with mere study and research. No one makes a pact with such a mighty patron if he or she doesn't intend to use the power thus gained. Rather, the vast majority of warlocks spend their days in active pursuit of their goals. which typically means some kind of adventuring. Furthermore, the demands of their patrons drive warlocks toward adventure.

Class Features

Otherwordly Patron

At 1st level, you have struck a bargain with an otherworldly being of your choice, each of which is detailed further below. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.   The beings that serve as patrons for Warlocks are mighty inhabitants of other planes of existence-not gods, but almost godlike in their power. Various patrons give their Warlocks access to different powers and invocations, and expect significant favors in return.   Some patrons collect Warlocks, doling out mystic knowledge relatively freely or boasting of their ability to bind mortals to their will. Other patrons bestow their power only grudgingly, and might make a pact with only one Warlock. Warlocks who serve the same patron might view each other as allies, siblings, or rivals.  

Eldritch Invocation

In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed eldritch invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability.   At 2nd level, you gain two eldritch invocations of your choice. Your invocation options are detailed at the end of the class description. When you gain certain warlock levels, you gain additional invocations of your choice, as shown in the Invocations Known column of the Warlock table.   Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the invocations you know and replace it with another invocation that you could learn at that level.   AGONIZING BLAST | (Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast Cantrip) | When you cast Eldritch Blast, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.   ARMOR OF SHADOWS | You can cast Mage Armor on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components   ASCENDANT STEP | (Prerequisite: 9th level) | You can cast Levitate on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.   BEAST SPEECH | You can cast Speak with Animals at will, without expending a spell slot.   BEGUILING INFLUENCE | You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills.   BEWITCHING WHISPERS | (Prerequisite: 7th level) | You can cast Compulsion once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   BOOK OF ANCIENT SECRETS | (Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature)   You can now inscribe magical rituals in your Book of Shadows. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the Ritual tag from any classes spell list. The spells appear in the book and don't count against the number of spells you know. With your Book of Shadows in hand, you can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can't cast the spells except as rituals, unless you've learned them by some other means. You can also cast a Warlock spell you know as a ritual if it has the Ritual tag. On your adventures, you can add other ritual spells to your Book of Shadows. When you find such a spell, you can add it to the book if the spell's level is equal to or less than half your warlock level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it.   CHAINS OF CARCERI | (Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Chain feature) | You can cast Hold Monster at will, targeting a celestial, fiend, or elemental-without expending a spell slot or material components. You must finish a long rest before you can use this invocation on the same creature again.   DEVIL'S SIGHT | You can see normally in darkness, both magical and non-magical, to a distance of 120 feet.   DREADFUL WORD | (Prerequisite: 7th level) | You can cast Confusion once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   ELDRITCH SIGHT | You can cast Detect Magic at will, without expending a spell slot.   ELDRITCH SPEAR | (Prerequisite: eldritch blast Cantrip) | When you cast eldritch blast, its range is 300 feet.   EYES OF THE RUNE KEEPER | You can read all writing.   FIENDISH VIGOR | You can cast False Life on yourself at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot or material components.   GAZE OF TWO MINDS | You can use your action to touch a willing humanoid and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can use your action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. While perceiving through the other creature's senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings.   LIFE DRINKER | (Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of The Blade feature) | When you hit a creature with your pact weapon, the creature takes extra necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).   MASK OF MANY FACES | You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot.   MASTER OF MYRIAD FORMS | (Prerequisite: 15th level) | You can cast Alter Self at will, without expending a spell slot.   MINIONS OF CHAOS | (Prerequisite: 9th level) | You can cast Conjure Elemental once using a WarIock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   MIRE THE MIND | (Prerequisite: 5th level) | You can cast Slow once using a WarIock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   MISTY VISIONS | You can cast Silent Image at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.   ONE WITH SHADOWS | (Prerequisite: 5th level) | When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use your action to become invisible until you move or take an action or a reaction.   OTHERWORLDLY LEAP | (Prerequisite: 9th level) | You can cast Jump on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.   REPELLING BLAST | (Prerequisite: eldritch blast Cantrip) | When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast. you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line.   SCULPTOR OF FLESH | (Prerequisite: 7th level) | You can cast Polymorph once using a WarIock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   SIGN OF ILL OMEN | (Prerequisite: 5th level) | You can cast Bestow Curse once using a WarIock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   THIEF OF FIVE FATES | You can cast Bane once using a WarIock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   THIRSTING BLADE | (Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature) | You can attack with your pact weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on our turn.   VISIONS OF DISTANT REALMS | (Prerequisite: 15th level) | You can cast Arcane Eye at will, without expending a spell slot.   VOICE OF THE CHAIN MASTER | (Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature) | You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and perceive through your familiar's senses as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving through your familiar's senses, you can also speak through your familiar in your own voice, even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech.   WHISPERS OF THE GRAVE | (Prerequisite: 9th level) | You can cast Speak with Dead at will, without expending a spell slot.   WITCH SIGHT | (Prerequisite: 15th level) | You can see the true form of any shape-changer or creature concealed by illusion or transmutation magic while the creature is within 30 feet of you and within line of sight.  

Pact Boon

At 3rd level, your otherworldly patron bestows a gift upon you for your loyal service. You gain one of the following features of your choice.  

Pact of the Chain

You learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. The spell doesn't count against your number of spells known. When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms:   Imp, pseudo dragon, quasit, or sprite.   Additionally, when you take the attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack of its own.  

Pact of the Blade

You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it (see chapter 5 for weapon options). You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity lo non-magical attacks and damage.   Your pact weapon disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again. if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die,   You can transform one magic weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extra-dimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can't affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 1 hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1 hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extra-dimensional space  

Pact of the Tome

Your patron gives you a grimoire called a Book of Shadows. When you gain this feature, choose three cantrips from any class's spell list. While the book is on your person, you can cast those cantrips at will. They don't count against your number of cantrips known. If you lose your Book of Shadows, you can perform a 1 hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous book. The book turns to ash when you die.  

Mystic Arcanum

At 11th level, your patron bestows upon you a magical secret called an Arcanum. Choose one 6th-level spell from the warlock spell list as this Arcanum. You can cast your Arcanum spell once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again. At higher level, you gain more warlock spells of your choice that can be cast in this way: one 7th level spell at 13th level, one 8th level spell at 15th level, and one 9th level spell at 17th level. You regain all uses of your Mystic Arcanum when you finish a long rest.  

Eldritch Master

At 20th level, you can draw on your inner reserve of mystical power while entreating your patron to regain expended spell slots. You can spend 1 minute entreating your patron for aid to regain all our expended spell slots from your Pact Magic feature. Once you regain spell slots with this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Starting Equipment

• (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon   • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus   • (a) a scholar's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack   • Leather armor, any simple weapon, and two daggers



You know two cantrips of your choice from the Warlock spell list. You learn additional Warlock cantrips of your choice a higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Warlock table.  


Charisma is your spell casting ability for your Warlock spells, so you use your Charisma whenever a spell refers lo your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.   Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier   Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier  

Spell Slots

The Warlock table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your warlock spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest. For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell thunderwave, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.  

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

At 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list. The Spells Known column of the Warlock table shows when you learn more warlock spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level. When you reach 6th level, for example, you learn a new warlock spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.  

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

Subclass Options


Hexblade Spells

Spell Level Spells
1st shield, wrathful smite
2nd blur, branding smite
3rd blink, elemental weapon
4th phantasmal killer, staggering smite
5th banishing smite, cone of cold

Hexblade's Curse

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:   • You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.   • Any attack roll you make against the cursed target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.   • If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).   You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.  

Hex Warrior

At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.   The influence of your patron also allows you to mystically channel your will through a particular weapon. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed property. When you attack with that weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls. This benefit lasts until you finish a long rest. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, this benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no matter the weapon's type.  

Accursed Specter

Starting at 6th level, you can curse the soul of a person you slay, temporarily binding it in your service. When you slay a humanoid, you can cause its spirit to rise from its corpse as a specter. When the specter appears, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level. Roll initiative for the specter, which has its own turns. It obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a special bonus to its attack rolls equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +0).   The specter remains in your service until the end of your next long rest, at which point it vanishes to the afterlife.   Once you bind a specter with this feature, you can't use the feature again until you finish a long rest.  

Armor of Hexes

At 10th level, your hex grows more powerful. If the target cursed by your Hexblade’s Curse hits you with an attack roll, roll a d6. On a 4 or higher, the attack instead misses you, regardless of its roll.  

Master of Hexes

Starting at 14th level, you can spread your Hexblade's Curse from a slain creature to another creature. When the creature cursed by your Hexblade's Curse dies, you can apply the curse to a different creature you can see within 30 feet of you, provided you aren't incapacitated. When you apply the curse in this way, you don't regain hit points from the death of the previously cursed creature.

LevelProficiency BonusFeaturesCantrips KnownSpells KnownSpell SlotsSpell lvlInvocations Known
1st+2Otherworldly Patron, Pact Magic2211st-
2nd+2Eldritch Invocations2321st2
3rd+2Pact Boon2422nd2
4th+2Ability Score Improvement3522nd2
6th+3Otherworldly Patron feature3723rd3
8th+3Ability Score Improvement3924th4
10th+4Otherworldly Patron feature41025th5
11th+4Mystic Arcanum (6th level)41135th5
12th+4Ability Score Improvement41135th6
13th+5Mystic Arcanum (7th level)41235th6
14th+5Otherworldly Patron feature41235th6
15th+5Mystic Arcanum (8th level)41335th7
16th+5Ability Score Improvement41335th7
17th+6Mystic Arcanum (9th level)41445th7
19th+6Ability Score Improvement41545th8
20th+6Eldritch Master41545th8

Shield Master

You use shields not just for protection but also for offense. You gain the following benefits while you are wielding a shield:

  • If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you with your shield.
  • If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield's AC bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a spell or other harmful effect that targets only you.
  • If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, interposing your shield between yourself and the source of the effect.



As you make your Warlock character, spend some time thinking about your Patron and the obligations that your pact imposes upon you. What led you to make the pact, and how did you make contact with your patron? Were you seduced into summoning a devil, or did you seek out the ritual that would allow you to make contact with an alien elder god? Did you sea⁠rch for your Patron, or did your Patron find and choose you? Do you chafe under the obligations of your pact or serve joyfully in anticipation of the Rewards promised to you?   Work with your DM to determine how big a part your pact will play in your character’s Adventuring career. Your patron’s demands might drive you into Adventures, or they might consist entirely of small Favors you can do between Adventures.   What kind of Relationship do you have with your patron? Is it friendly, antagonistic, uneasy, or romantic? How important does your Patron consider you to be? What part do you play in your patron’s plans? Do you know other servants of your patron?   How does your Patron communicate with you? If you have a familiar, it might occasionally speak with your patron’s voice. Some warlocks find messages from their Patrons etched on trees, mingled among tea leaves, or adrift in the clouds—messages that only the Warlock can see. Other warlocks converse with their Patrons in dreams or waking visions, or deal only with intermediaries.
hit dice: 1d8
hit points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Warlock level after 1st
armor proficiencies: Light⁠ armor
weapon proficiencies: Simple Weapons
tools: None
saving throws: Wisdom, Charisma
skills: Choose two Skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, and Religion
starting equipment:
You start with the following Equipment, in addition to the equipmen⁠t granted by your background:
  • ► (a) a Light Crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • ► (a) a Component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • ► (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
  • ► Leather Armor, any simple weapon, and two daggers
Your arcane Research and the magic bestowed on you by your Patron have given you facility with Spells. See the general rules of Spellcasting and the Warlock Spells.   Cantrip⁠s You know two Cantrips of your choice from the Warlock spell list. You learn additional Warlock cantr⁠ips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantri⁠ps Known column of the Warlock table.   Spell Slots The Warlock table shows how many spe⁠ll slots you have to cast your Warlock Spells of 1st through 5th Level. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your Spell Slots are the same level. To cast one of your Warlock Spells of 1st Level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended Spell Slots when you finish a short or Long Rest.   For example, when you are 5th Level, you have two 3rd-level Spell Slots. To cast the 1st-level spell Witch Bolt, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.   Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher At 1st Level, you know two 1st-level Spells of your choice from the Warlock spell list.   The Spells Known column of the Warlock table shows when you learn more Warlock spells⁠ of your choice of 1st Level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level. When you reach 6th Level, for example, you learn a new Warlock spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Level.   Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Warlock Spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.   Spellcasting⁠ AbilityCharisma is your Spellcasting ability for your Warlock Spells, so you use your Cha⁠risma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting⁠ ability. In addition, you use your Char⁠isma modifier when setting⁠ the saving throw DC for a Warlock spell you cast and when making an Attack roll with one.  
Spell save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell Attack modifier = your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier
  Spellcasting Focus You can use an arcane focus as a Spellcasting focus for your Warlock Spells.
class features:
Eldritch Invocations

Eldritch Invocations

2nd-Level Warlock Feature
In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed eldritch invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class.
At 2nd Level, you gain two Eldritch Invocations of your choice. Your invocation options are detailed at the end of the class description. When you gain certain Warlock levels, you gain additional invocations of your choice, as shown in the Invocations Known column of the Eldritch Invocations table.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the invocations you know and replace it with another invocation that you could learn at that level.
Pact Boon

Pact Boon

3rd-Level Warlock Feature
Your otherworldly Patron bestows a gift upon you for your loyal service. You gain one of the following features of your choice.
Pact of the Chain You learn the Find Familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. The spell doesn’t count against your number of Spells known.
When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special⁠ forms: imp, Pseudodragon, Quasit, or Sprite.
Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one Attack with its Reaction.
Pact of the Blade You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it (see Weapons for weapon options). You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the Purpose of overcoming Resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Your pact weapon disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.
You can transform one Magic Weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special⁠ ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a Short Rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can’t affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.
Pact of the Tome Your Patron gives you a grimoire called a Book⁠ of Shadows. When you gain this feature, choose three Cantrips from any class’s spell list (the three needn’t be from the same list). While the book is on your person, you can cast those cant⁠rips at will. They don’t count against your number of cant⁠rips known. If they don’t appear on the Warlock spell list, they are nonetheless Warlock Spells for you.
If you lose your Book⁠ of Shadows, you can perform a 1-hour Ceremony to receive a replacement from your Patron. This Ceremony can be performed during a short or Long Rest, and it destroys the previous book. The book turns to ash when you die.
Pact of the Aegis You can use your action to create an eldritch armor that surrounds and protects you. While you are protected by the aegis, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can't activate your pact of the aegis if you are already wearing armor.
The eldritch armor granted by the pact of the aegis can't be removed, but it disappears if you dismiss it (no action required), or if you die.
You can transform one magic armor into your pact aegis by performing a special ritual while you wear the armor. You must be proficient with the chosen armor, and you perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the armor, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact aegis thereafter. You can't affect an artifact or a sentient item in this way. The armor ceases being your pact aegis if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual to a different armor, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond with it. The armor appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.
Pact of Concoctions Your patron grants you proficiency with one of your choice among the Alchemist's Supplies, the Herbalism Kit, and the Poisoner's Kit, as well as the ability to conjure a magical pact cauldron, in which you areproficient, that you can use as either of those tools.
You can perform a 1-hour ritual to create a pact cauldron within 10 feet of you. Your cauldron disappears if it is more than 10 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you dismiss it (no action required), or if you die.
Furthermore, when you are crafting something using your cauldron, you make progress every hour in 25-gp increments. You must still spend the proper raw material in order to craft the item. If you dismiss the cauldron while still working on a concoction, it remains safely stored into the cauldron until you create it again.
Pact of Contracts Your patron grants you the ability to act as a proxy pact dealer for minor contracts of power. You can use a bonus action to magically propose a verbal covenant to a target creature within 30 feet of you.
Until the start of your next turn, the target can then agree on the contract and gain advantage on a single attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Should the target accept your favor, you can use a reaction to inflict necrotic damage to the target equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 necrotic damage furthermore, you regain hit points equal to the damage inflicted to the target.
You can have only one of such contracts active at a time.
Pact of Visions Your patron grants you the ability to behold brief glimpses of the near future. Whenever you finish a short rest, roll one d20 and record the number rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with your foretelling roll. You must choose to do so before the roll.
When you finish a short rest, you lose the unused foretelling roll.
Pact of the Talisman Your patron gives you an amulet, a talisman that can aid the wearer when the need is great. When the wearer fails an ability check, they can add a d4 to the roll, potentially turning the roll into a success. This benefit can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest.
If you lose the talisman, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous amulet. The talisman turns to ash when you die.
  Your Pact Boon Each Pact Boon option produces a special⁠ creature or an object that reflects your patron’s Nature.
Pact of the Chain⁠. Your familiar is more cunning than a typical familiar. Its default form can be a reflection of your Patron, with sprites and pseudodragons tied to The Archfey and imps and quasits tied to the Fiend. Because the Great Old One’s Nature is Inscrutable, any familiar form is suitable for it.
Pact of the Blade. If your Patron is The Archfey, your weapon might be a slender blade wrapped in leafy vines. If you serve the Fiend, your weapon could be an axe made of black metal and adorned with decorative flames. If your Patron is the Great Old One, your weapon might be an ancient-looking spear, with a gemstone embedded in its head, carved to look like a terrible unblinking eye.
Pact of the Tome. Your Book⁠ of Shadows might be a fine, gilt-edged tome with Spells of Enchantment and Illusion, gifted to you by the lordly Archfey. It could be a weighty tome bound in demon hide studded with iron, holding spells⁠ of Conjuration and a Wealth of forbidden lore about the sinister regions of the cosmos, a gift of the Fiend. Or it could be the tattered diary of a lunatic driven mad by contact with the Great Old One, holding scraps of Spells that only your own burgeoning insanity allows you to understand and cast.
Mystic Arcanum

Mystic Arcanum

11th-Level Warlock Feature
your Patron bestows upon you a magical Secret called an arcanum. Choose one 6th-level spell from the Warlock spell list as this arcanum.
You can cast your arcanum spell once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a Long Rest before you can do so again.
At higher levels, you gain more Warlock Spells of your choice that can be cast in this way: one 7th-level spell at 13th level, one 8th-level spell at 15th level, and one 9th-level spell at 17th level. You regain all uses of your Mystic Arcanum when you finish a Long Rest.
Eldritch Master

Eldritch Master

20th-Level Warlock Feature
At 20th level, you can draw on your inner reserve of mystical power while entreating your Patron to regain expended Spell Slots. You can spend 1 minute entreating your Patron for aid to regain all your expended spe⁠ll slots from your Pact Magic feature. Once you regain spe⁠ll slots with this feature, you must finish a Long Rest before you can do so again.
subclass options:
LevelPro.BonusFeaturesCantripsSpellsSlotsSlot Leve⁠lInvocations
1st+2Otherworldly Patron, Pact Magic2211st
2nd+2Eldritch Invocations2321st2
3rd+2Pact Boon2422nd2
4th+2Ability Score Improvement3522nd2
6th+3Otherworldly Patron feature3723rd3
8th+3Ability Score Improvement3924th4
10th+4Otherworldly Patron feature41025th5
11th+4Mystic Arcanum (6th level)41135th5
12th+4Ability Score Improvement41135th6
13th+5Mystic Arcanum (7th level)41235th6
14th+5Otherworldly Patron feature41235th6
15th+5Mystic Arcanum (8th level)41335th7
16th+5Ability Score Improvement41335th7
17th+6Mystic Arcanum (9th level)41445th7
19th+6Ability Score Improvement41545th8
20th+6Eldritch Master41545th8

Hexblade, Warlock

You have made your pact with a mysterious entity from the Shadowfell—a force that manifests in sentient magic Weapons carved from the stuff of Shadow. The mighty sword Blackrazor is the most notable of these Weapons, which have been spread across the multiverse over the ages. The shadowy force behind these Weapons can offer power to warlocks who form pacts with it. Many hexblade warlocks create Weapons that emulate those formed in the Shadowfell. Others forgo such arms, content to weave the Dark Magic of that plane into their Spellcasting.
Because the Raven Queen is known to have forged the first of these Weapons, many sages speculate that she and the force are one and that the Weapons, along with hexblade warlocks, are tools she uses to manipulate events on The Material Plane to her Inscrutable ends.
Spell LevelSpells
1stShield, Wrathful Smite
2ndblur, Branding Smite
3rdblink, Elemental Weapon
4thPhantasmal Killer, Staggering Smite
5thBanishing Smite, Cone of Cold
Hexblade's Curse

Hexblade’s Curse

1st-Level Warlock Feature
You gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a Bonus Action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is Cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are Incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:
    ► You gain a bonus to Damage Rolls against the Cursed target. The bonus equals your Proficiency Bonus.
    ► Any Attack roll you make against the Cursed target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on The D20.
    ► If the Cursed target dies, you regain Hit Points equal to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).
You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or Long Rest.
Hex Warrior

Hex Warrior

1st-Level Warlock Feature
You acquire the Training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with Medium Armor, Shields, and martial Weapons.
The Influence of your Patron also allows you to mystically channel your will through a particular weapon. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the Two-Handed property. When you Attack with that weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the Attack and Damage Rolls. This benefit lasts until you finish a Long Rest. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, this benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no matter the weapon’s type
Accursed Specter

Accursed Specter

6th-Level Warlock Feature
You can curse the soul of a person you slay, temporarily binding it to your service. When you slay a Humanoid, you can cause its spirit to rise from its corpse as a Specter, the Statistics for which are in the Monster Manual. When the Specter appears, it gains temporary Hit Points equal to half your Warlock level. Roll Initiative for the Specter, which has its own turns. It obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a Special bonus to its Attack rolls equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +0).
The Specter remains in your service until the end of your next Long Rest, at which point it vanishes to The Afterlife.
Once you bind a Specter with this feature, you can’t use the feature again until you finish a Long Rest.
Armor of Hexes

Armor of Hexes

10th-Level Warlock Feature
Your hex grows more powerful. If the target Cursed by your Hexblade’s Curse hits you with an Attack roll, you can use your Reaction to roll a d6. On a 4 or higher, the Attack instead misses you, regardless of its roll.
Master of Hexes

Master of Hexes

14th-Level Warlock Feature
You can spread your Hexblade’s Curse from a slain creature to another creature. When the creature Cursed by your Hexblade’s Curse dies, you can apply the curse to a different creature you can see within 30 feet of you, provided you aren’t Incapacitated. When you apply the curse in this way, you don’t regain Hit Points from the death of the previously Cursed creature.

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for race/species of the character.

Machine Men

Size: Medium
speed: You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Yauzani, Machine Code
race features:
Constructed Body

Constructed Body

Your consciousness and soul reside in an animated mechanical body. As such, you are a living creature with some of the benefits and drawbacks of a construct.
  • Living Construct. You do not eat, drink, or breathe. You can’t drink potions or gain benefits that come from drinking, eating, or inhaling vapors. You do however have a port somewhere on your body that you can inject Crystal Rods. These have different effects on the construct according to type.
  • Artifical. You are immune to disease, poison damage, and the poisoned condition. You also are not effected by hot or cold weather as if you are adapted. Extream temperatures still effect them.
  • Maintenance. You do not sleep as normal. During a rest, you must perform maintenance on your gears, springs, and joints, following the normal rules governing rest and activity. While performing this maintenance, you are aware of your surroundings but you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. If you go longer than 36 hours without performing maintenance (you don’t take a long rest), you gain one level of exhaustion.
| Mendable


  • Machine Men start with a 'Construct repair kit' that can be used for repairs. This kit is a set of artisans' tools that are specifically designed to repair constructs.
  • You are proficient with Construct Repair Kit
  • You can’t be stabilized at 0 hp with a Wisdom (Medicine) check or spare the dying. Instead, a successful DC 10 repair check, Crystal Rod, or a mending cantrip is needed.
  • A machine man technically does not die at 0 hp. Instead, their power core is shut down. Your death-saving throws attempt to tap into power reserves to keep the brain alive. Even if all power is lost (3 failed saves), there is still a chance that the original consciousness might still be there if the brain is hooked back up to a power supply.
  • A machine man does not recover hit points like the living. They can use Construct Repair Kit kit to heal themselves during a short rest, allowing them to spend hit dice to heal, but they must use a repair kit to do so. The following tools may be used instead of a full construct repair kit at 1/2 of the normal hit point recovery (rounded up): jeweler's tools, mason's tools, smith's tools, or tinker's tools. They are all proficient with a construct repair kit and start with one at character creation. This repair process is a form of 'light work' and may be performed while resting.
| Intergrated Protection

Integrated Protection

Your body has been built with defensive layers, which can be enhanced with armor.
  • You can only attach types of armor you are proficiency with. To attach armor you and/or assistant/s must incorporate and attach it to your frame. This process takes one to four days without assistants depending on the complexity you want to be executed. You must also have access to a workshop with needed tools.
  • Now the suit is modified it only takes you an hour to attach or remove the armor.
  • While you live your armor can not be removed without your permission. However, it can be torn off causing damage to you.
  • Gearforged

    ability score increase: +1 Con, (+2 Int, Wis, or Chr)
    age: The soul inhabiting a gearforged can be any age. As long as its new body is kept in good repair, there is no known limit to how long it can function.
    alignment: No single alignment typifies gearforged.
    Size: Medium
    speed: You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
    parent race: Machine Men
    race features:
    Gearforged Anatomy

    GearForged Anatomy

    The range of gearforged anatomy in all its variants is remarkable, but all gearforged share some common parts.
    • Soul Gem. The mind of a gearforged creature is as sharp as that of any flesh-and-blood soul, but it is more portable. The animating, vital principle of a gearforged—its will, its personality, its mind—are retained in a soul gem. Its destruction means the death of that gearforged.
    • Memory Gears. These delicate constructions are scroll-like ribbons pierced with thousands of pin holes and wound about with tiny enchantments of great complexity. The memory of a gearforged for all the days after its creation lives in the memory gears. Older gearforged have many such gears, and the material component for the magic to create them requires one new gear for every 10 years of life. Installing one requires one day’s work and 2,000 gp.
      Recorder. You possess a photographic memory and are able to recall any memory in perfect detail without the need for a check.
      Note. Other gearforged can read memory gears salvaged from a dead gearforged, but it’s a complex, time-consuming process. It’s also viewed with some alarm by most gearforged, since it is akin to peering into the most private details of a creature’s life. Installing a used memory gear into a new or existing gearforged requires a new soulforging and at least one week before the recipient can interpret and understand the memories.
    Specialized Design

    Specialized Design

    You gain proficiency with one skills and two tools of choice.
    Solid Construction

    Solid Construction

    If you are killed but your soul gem and memory gears are still intact, you can be restored to life if your body is repaired and soulforging is cast on it again. Because the body already exists, the cost of the ritual is just 500 gp, plus the cost of repairing the body (DM’s discretion, typically 1d4 x 50 gp). If your body was destroyed but your soul gem and memory tapes are intact, they can be implanted into a new body at the standard cost (10,000 gp). The only other magic capable of bringing you back from the dead is a wish spell, which restores you fully.
    Springear Engine

    Springear Engine

    Your power source is a series of gears and springs made of Tourmaline linked and winding back to the master spring.
    • Winding Down. Once a week you must wind your master spring coil. Generally done during a rest.
    • Electric personality. As the day goes on the springs build up an electrical charge. You can use this electricity to make a jolting attack. Lightning springs from your hand or through a metal weapon to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch. Make a melee attack against the target. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 lightning damage, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn. The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level 2d8, 11th level 3d8, and 17th level 4d8.
    • Wound for action. Up to three times per long rest, you may reroll your initiative if you would like. You regain all charges after a long rest.
    Utility frame

    Utility Frame

    Your frame is made from Masterwork steel.
    • Integrated Tools. Choose two tools you’re proficient with. These tools are integrated into your body, and you double your proficiency bonus for any ability checks you make with it. You must have your hands free to use this integrated tool. These tools cannot be removed without doing permant harm to the construct.
    • Well Built. Reduce all damage taken from nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing weapons by 1.
    Mechanical Sounds

    Sounds of Machinery

    The subtle sound of moving gears, springs and other mechanical components surround you, causing you to have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

    Medium Composite Plating

    Armor (Medium)


    Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
    Medium 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) Yes

    Cost: 500 gp
    Weight: 30 lbs

    Traction Claws


    Rare 1 Leg Slot from each leg

    Gain a climb speed equal to your walk speed and can climb sheer surfaces and ceilings while hands are free

    Cost: 250 gp
    Weight: 5 lbs

    Ground Stabilizers


    Common 1 Leg Slot from each leg

    This module includes powerful pistons and ground clamps that allow a Construct to lock themselves in place despite incredible forces. As a free action on your turn, the stabilizers can be activated, making you immune to forced movement that does not include teleportation, and incapable of being knocked prone. While the stabilizers are activated, your speed is reduced to 0. Deactivating the stabilizers is a bonus action.

    Cost: 50-100 gp
    Weight: 10 lbs

    Extra Arm


    Rare 2 Chassis Slots

    The construct gains an extra arm component, which comes with its own upgrade slot that can be upgraded with Arm Upgrades. It has no hand or manipulator. A max of 4 additonal arms are allowed.

    Cost: 750 gp
    Weight: 15 lbs

    Elemental Resistance

    Adventuring Gear

    Rare 2 Chassis Slots

    The construct’s components gain resistance to one of the following types of damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. This upgrade can be taken more than once, applied to a different type of damage each time. This upgrade can either take the form of a magical enchantment, or mundane enhancements (e.g. better insulation for cold resistance).

    Cost: 1000 gp
    Weight: +20 lbs if not done by magic method


    Modern (Shield)

    Uncommon 1 Arm Slot

    Bonus action to deploy or retract a Medium Steel Shield from your forearm.

    Cost: 30 gp
    Weight: 10 lbs

    Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

    Statblocks for your spells.

    Level 0 Spells

    Player's Handbook


    0-level (Cantrip) Transmutation

    Casting Time 1 action
    Range 30ft
    Duration 1 minute
    Components Verbal

    You manifest a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power, within range. You create one of the following magical effects within range:

    • Your voice booms up to three times as loud as normal for 1 minute.
    • You cause flames to flicker, brighten, dim, or change color for 1 minute.
    • You cause harmless tremors in the ground for 1 minute.
    • You create an instantaneous sound that originates from a point of your choice within range, such as a rumble of thunder, the cry of a raven, or ominous whispers.
    • You instantaneously cause an unlocked door or window to fly open or slam shut.
    • You alter the appearance of your eyes for 1 minute.
    If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its 1-minute effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.

    Class(es): Cleric

    D&D 5e PHB Page 237

    Eldritch Blast

    0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

    Casting Time 1 action
    Range 120 feet
    Duration Instantaneous
    Components V, S

    A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.
    At higher levels: This spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels; two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.

    Class(es): Warlock



    0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range 5ft
    Duration Instantaneous
    Components S

    You create a burst of thunderous sound that can be heard up to 100 feet away. Each creature within range, other than you, must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 thunder damage.
    At higher levels: The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level ( 2d6 ), 11th level ( 3d6 ), and 17th level ( 4d6 ).

    Class(es): Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Cleric (Nature Domain), Fighter (Eldritch Knight), Rogue (Arcane Trickster)

    True Strike

    0-level (Cantrip) Enchantment

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range 30 feet
    Duration Concentration, Concentration, up to 1 round
    Components S

    You extend your hand and point a finger at a target in range. Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target's defenses. On your next turn, you gain advantage on your first attack roll against the target, provided that this spell hasn't ended.

    Class(es): Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

    Minor Illusion

    0-level (Cantrip) Illusion

    Casting Time 1 action
    Range 30ft
    Duration 1 minute
    Components S, M
    Materials Fleece

    You create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again.   If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper to a scream. It can be your voice, someone else's voice, a lion's roar, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose. The sound continues unabated throughout the duration, or you can make discrete sounds at different times before the spell ends.   If you create an image of an object--such as a chair, muddy footprints, or a small chest--it must be no larger than a 5-foot cube. The image can't create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it.   If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature.

    Class(es): Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock


    Shocking Grasp

    0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range Touch
    Duration Instantaneous
    Components V S

    Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack against the target. you have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 lightning damage, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.
    At higher levels: The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

    Class(es): Sorcerer, Wizard

    Melee Spell Attack 2d8 Lightning Damage



    0-level (Cantrip) Abjuration

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range Touch
    Duration Concentration, Concentration, up to 1 minute
    Components V S M
    Materials (a miniature cloak)

    You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one saving throw of its choice. it can roll the die before or after making the saving throw. The spell then ends.

    Class(es): Cleric, Druid


    Vicious Mockery

    0-level (Cantrip) Enchantment

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range 60 feet
    Duration Instantaneous
    Components V

    You unleash a string of insults laved with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
    At higher levels: This spell's damage increase by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).

    Class(es): Bard

    Saving ThrowWisdom
    1d8 Psychic Damage

    Level 1 Spells

    Armor of Agathys

    1-level Abjuration

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range Self
    Duration 1 Hour
    Components V, S, M *

    A protective magical force surrounds you, manifesting as a spectral frost that covers you and your gear. You gain 5 temporary hit points for the duration. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you have these hit points, the creature takes 5 cold damage.
    At higher levels: At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, both the temporary hit points and the cold damage increase by 5 for each slot.

    Class(es): Magic Ablity

    Basic Rules , pg. 250

    Hellish Rebuke

    1-level Evocation

    Casting Time 1 Reaction
    Range 60 ft
    Duration Instantaneous
    Components V, S

    Damage Type: Fire   Saving Throws: Dexterity   Description: You point your finger, and the creature that damaged you is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

    At higher levels:
    When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.

    Class(es): Warlock, Sorcerer

    PHB, page 224

    Comprehend Languages

    1-level Divination (ritual)

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range Self
    Duration 1 Hour
    Components V, S, M
    Materials (a pinch of soot and salt)

    For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text.   This spell doesn't decode secret messages in a text or a glyph, such as an arcane sigil, that isn't part of a written language.

    Class(es): Wizard


    1-level Abjuration

    Casting Time 1 Reaction *
    Range Self
    Duration 1 Round
    Components V, S

    An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile.   * - which you take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell

    Class(es): Magic Ablity

    Player's Handbook

    False Life

    1-level Necromancy

    Casting Time 1 action
    Range Self
    Duration 1 hour
    Components V,S,M (alcohol)

    Bolstering yourself with a necromantic facsimile of life, you gain 1d4 + 4 temporary hit points for the duration.
    At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you gain 5 additional temporary hit points for each slot level above 1st.

    Class(es): Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard

    Level 2 Spells

    Basic Rules , pg. 230


    2-level Evocation

    Casting Time 1 action
    Range 60 ft
    Duration 15 minutes
    Components V, M
    Materials Bat fur and a drop of pitch or coal.

    Damage Type: Control   Saving Throws: None   Description: Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't illuminate it. If the point you choose is on an object you are holding or one that isn't being worn or carried, the darkness emanates from the object and moves with it. Completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness.   If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.

    Class(es): Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard



    2-level Illusion

    Casting Time 1 Action
    Range Self
    Duration Concentration, up to 1 Minute
    Components V

    Your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight.

    Class(es): Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid (Circle of the Land (Desert)), Fighter (Eldritch Knight), Rogue (Arcane Trickster), Warlock (The Hexblade)

    Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

    DnD 5e XAN

    Navigator's Tools

    Tool Common

    Proficiency with navigator's tools helps you determine a true course based on observing the stars. It also grants you insight into charts and maps while developing your sense of direction.
    Components. Navigator's tools include a sextant, a compass, calipers, a ruler, parchment, ink, and a quill.
    Survival. Knowledge of navigator's tools helps you avoid becoming lost and also grants you insight into the most likely location for roads and settlements.
    Sighting. By taking careful measurements, you can determine your position on a nautical chart and the time of day.

    Activity DC
    Plot a course 10
    Discover your position on a nautical chart 15

    Cost: 25gp Weight: 2lb


    DnD 5 SRD

    Scholar's Pack

    Adventuring Gear Common

    Includes a Backpack, a book of lore, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a little bag of sand, and a small knife.

    Cost: 40gp Weight: 12lb


    DnD 5e SRD

    Cartographer's Tools

    Tool Varies

    These special tools include the items needed to pursue a craft or trade. Proficiency with a set of artisan's tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using the tools in your craft. Each type of artisan's tools requires a separate proficiency. Using cartographer's tools, you can create accurate maps to make travel easier for yourself and those who come after you. These maps can range from large-scale depictions of mountain ranges to diagrams that show the layout of a dungeon level.   Components. Cartographer's tools consist of a quill, ink, parchment, a pair of compasses, calipers, and a ruler.   Arcana, History, Religion. You can use your knowledge of maps and locations to unearth more detailed information when you use these skills. For instance, you might spot hidden messages in a map, identify when the map was made to determine if geographical features have changed since then, and so forth.   Nature. Your familiarity with physical geography makes it easier for you to answer questions or solve issues relating to the terrain around you.   Survival. Your understanding of geography makes it easier to find paths to civilization, to predict areas where villages or towns might be found, and to avoid becoming lost. You have studied so many maps that common patterns, such as how trade routes evolve and where settlements arise in relation to geographic locations, are familiar to you.   Craft a Map. While traveling, you can draw a map as you go in addition to engaging in other activities.  

    Cartographer's Tools

    Activity DC
    Determine a map's age and origin 10
    Estimate direction and distance to a landmark 15
    Discern that a map is fake 15
    Fill in a missing part of a map 20

    Cost: 15gp Weight: 6lb


    DnD 5e SRD


    Adventuring Gear Common

    A backpack is a leather pack carried on the back, typically with straps to secure it. A backpack can hold 1 cubic foot/ 30 pounds of gear.   You can also strap items, such as a bedroll or a coil of rope, to the outside of a backpack.

    Cost: 2gp Weight: 5lb



    Ink (1 ounce bottle)

    Adventuring Gear Common

    Cost: 10gp



    Ink Pen

    Adventuring Gear Common

    Cost: 2cp


    Fireproof Parchment (sheet)

    Adventuring Gear Rare

    This writing material is made from the hides of Cinder Dogs and other animals found on the Plane of Fire. The hide retains the creatures immunity to fire. As a result, this fireproof parchment does not catch fire when exposed in the Plane of Fire.

    Cost: 8 sp


    dnd 5e

    Healer’s kit

    Generic Variant Common

    10 use's automatic succes on Medicine only for stabilizing

    Cost: 5gp Weight: 3lb



    Book of Lore

    Wondrous Item

    Legendary None

    Contains 500 years worth of lore.

    Derloth carries a scholarly book dating back over 600 hundred years, the most important trait of this book is it was written by Derloth himself and he constantly updates it with the years.

    Created by


    Statblock Type

    Character Sheet (latest)
