Velouria | World Anvil

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Thu 6th Aug 2020 01:59

Session 5

by Velouria

I suppose me being a part of this group is official - we are getting matching uniforms, to my slight dismay.
Mine is a deep blue that turns to black at the bottom summer dress, that is laced with pearl dust which will shimmer when the light catches it. Form fitting at the top that then billows out elegantly to about 4 inches above the knee.
Not my favourite colour, but I believe this tailor will do a good job.
That awful Meazel appeared again and took off Posey. I did feel my usual anger of anything relating to the Shadowfell consume me, but I also felt concern for Posey, more that I would usually, for when she was taken. I guess that means this group are becoming my... friends.
Posey was able to kill it, but again my anger took hold and I smashed its head in with my boot. I must try and control myself around the others, it must look a bit frightening when I lose my temper like that. I don't want to have to explain myself.
While I wait to hear from To'reli I suppose I am stuck with my... friends, as we head on a small side quest to work with this dodgy Yigraz character. We must be careful of him.

Velouria's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session 2
    06 Aug 2020 01:34:34
  2. Session 3
    06 Aug 2020 01:42:31
  3. Session 4
    06 Aug 2020 01:52:32
  4. Session 5
    06 Aug 2020 01:59:44

The major events and journals in Velouria's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 5

I suppose me being a part of this group is official - we are getting matching uniforms, to my slight dismay. Mine is a deep blue that turns to black at the bottom summer dress, that is laced with pearl dust which will shimmer when the light catches it. ...

01:59 am - 06.08.2020

Session 4

We are now officially The Battle Boobs. A name inspired by Venren and his obsession with boobs after he found a book detailing them in the archives within the Steamworks. I'm not sure how I feel about being a part of this group, I certainly don't repo...

01:52 am - 06.08.2020

Session 3

I'm starting to realise these people I've met are a rather strong and capable bunch. Perhaps I can use their help to complete my quest, as I'm sure Zaelix will be quite strong. As long as I get the finishing blow, I must have my revenge. We were a...

01:42 am - 06.08.2020

Session 2

Jeritza is sassy, how does that make me feel? More desperate to save him but also perhaps slightly bemused, but I may not be ready to feel/show that yet Still cautious around my companions but I feels like I have to protect them Curious about Calist...

06:09 am - 11.07.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Velouria.

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Other Characters by adrienneg