Session 4 by Velouria | World Anvil

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Thu 6th Aug 2020 01:52

Session 4

by Velouria

We are now officially The Battle Boobs. A name inspired by Venren and his obsession with boobs after he found a book detailing them in the archives within the Steamworks.
I'm not sure how I feel about being a part of this group, I certainly don't report to anyone as my leader, least of all someone I don't know too well. But as I've been thinking, perhaps this group of interesting characters could potentially help me on my quest. I don't know when I'll be able to open up to them about Jeritza and the truth behind it.
I also bought a Dagger of Premonition, which so far hasn't given me much insight or helped with any danger. I must not trust that salesman Kugren ever again.
I did learn more about Dorian's reasons for his travels. A heartbreaking story, rather beautiful. I feel compelled to help him, but my mission is of the utmost importance.
After telling Gordalla of my issue, she is contacting To'reli, a Solar who is a part of the council of Devas. She will explain more about the Solaric marked.
The only way to get out of the pact is to either kill the demon or destroy the agreement. I must wait to hear from To'reli.

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