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Rashaman Flower

Rush is a travelling bard trying to make the world a better place, little by little. He specializes in animal happiness. His best friend is a plant. His second best friend is also a plant. Actually, most of his friends are plants and animals.

Dark Scary Cave
Played by
One Sad Rush


by Rashaman Flower

Today I tried one thing. And I failed. I truly believed we had a chance to save Zana - the resistance fighter who was guiding Parch, but I couldn't find the monster that took her. At least - at the very least we found Parch. He was hiding in a cave. To be completely honest, I am a bit suspicious about the details of his survival. Somehow the giant scary monster he told us to avoid killed Zana but let him go - Tharan and I also suspect he has royal blood, but we'll see...
Vandergrift showed an interest in meeting my side of the family. I haven't thought of meeting his side, and going back to mine, but I guess it's something that should be done at some point. I don't know if the tribal life will be all that he assumes to be though - we're all likely to get bored all too quickly if we actually end up back home.
Speaking of home, we arrived at Erinon's... (I guesss that's not her real name but I'm not gonna write it down instead of spies find this journal) Her parents seemed lovely. The rest of the village as well, to be honest. EXCEPT FOR THE JEWELRY STORE OWNER WHO DIDN'T LIKE ME FOR NO REASON I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HIM I DON'T GET WHY HE WAS MEAN TO US LIKE THAT. Anyway can't blame him for not trusting everyone he comes across I guess. Seems to be a running theme with everyone I've come across outside of my tribe. Now I'm thinking maybe my fellow tribe members wouldn't be open to strangers either - I have never seen them meet one so I can't tell. Still feels bad that the rock gnome only talks to the one rock gnome on our party. Not nice.
When we were in the village I went out to search for Zana again, just for a few hours. Nothing. At this point she's probably dead if she wasn't before and I can't help but feel like it was my fault. At least we'll take her final job going forward and finish what she started - get Parch to the resistance.

Rashaman's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Scary Scary Day
    Rushy Rush Rush
  2. SAD. DAY.
    One Sad Rush

The major events and journals in Rashaman's history, from the beginning to today.


Today I tried one thing. And I failed. I truly believed we had a chance to save Zana - the resistance fighter who was guiding Parch, but I couldn't find the monster that took her. At least - at the very least we found Parch. He was hiding in a cave. To be...

11:50 pm - 23.02.2020

Scary Scary Day

Ok. Highlights: Meeting new friends (including one cool-as-hell cactus), helping a little boar out, going spelunking! I should start at the beginning. We were meeting with this human person that Vandergrift knows - I didn't bother to investigate their...

04:11 pm - 23.02.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rashaman.

Played by