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Rushy Rush Rush

Scary Scary Day

by Rashaman Flower

Ok. Highlights: Meeting new friends (including one cool-as-hell cactus), helping a little boar out, going spelunking!
I should start at the beginning. We were meeting with this human person that Vandergrift knows - I didn't bother to investigate their specific relationship. The bad red-wearing people are EVERYWHERE apparently. And they're after some boy? More specifically a fire genasi boy named Parch. I hope we get to him before the crimson guys. ANYWAY here's where it started to get fun. We were supposed to tail two people Vandergrift's friend didn't quite trust I think. Ummm. We might have been unable to hide and tail them. We chose to walk up to them instead. And let me tell you journal, it was a GREAT idea. Because that's how we met Tharan and Erinon!
Tharan is basically like a big bear. You know, wild and scary but also kinda cuddly. And I guess Erinon is like a cat in the sense that she is small but deceptively dangerous.
So we meet these new friends. AND WE FIND A GIANT BOAR. Cool. Made my day. I wish I could meet a giant boar everyday. And the boar was very kind and friendly and agreed to stomp around once Tharan hugged it and Erinon healed it.
Anyway, this is where the spelunking began. And I'm not gonna lie, these giant scary caves are NOT my favourite places. I wish every place was a forest. Can't help it, though. At least we're in some good company for once. AND THEY ARE HUMANOIDS. WHAT A WEIRD TURN OF EVENTS! Oh by the way Tharan has this cactus named Bob and he's the coolest cactus I've ever met. And I've met some cool plants in my travels - not to brag. Anyway so in these caves we couldn't really find our path - but it was ok we found a chest with some stuff in it. AND EVERYONE USED MAGE HAND! I think that's gonna be like a cool group spell. I should really suggest we come up with a cool secret handshake.
And finally some kind plants showed us the way we should go. After we get some sleep I think we'll head there. I hope the Crimson Meanies are even worse at finding the correct road than we are. Rumbling Rocks here we come!

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  1. Scary Scary Day
    Rushy Rush Rush
  2. SAD. DAY.
    One Sad Rush