Obrin Hako | World Anvil

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Obrin Hako

Chaotic Good Shifter (Far Traveler)
Drunken Master 15
Twilight Cleric 1
2 / 2 HP

A self-trained drunken master, Obrin lives a life of wandering and drinking. He's a kind soul, who always tries to help others when he can, usually by punching something.

The major events and journals in Obrin's history, from the beginning to today.

Update since last time: Time traveled 6 years Found Kain who has cool lair on spooky island; Boarded squid ship, killed squid in space; Made yellow friends; Went to hell Killed Kain's mom, died, turned into monkey, came back; did squid genocide; Entered Purgatory or something; Killed squid god... feelin pretty good

10:32 pm - 03.05.2021

Shopping day really is terrible isn't it #downwiththebourgeottoman

11:55 pm - 29.06.2020

I can't believe my new friends are feeding brains to an Eldritch horror goo that lives on their ship

05:44 pm - 28.06.2020

Oh boy I sure hope my new friends aren't feeding brains to an Eldritch horror goo that lives on their ship

03:33 am - 27.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Obrin.