Evandur Glockheart | World Anvil

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Evandur Glockheart

Chaotic Neutral Human (Inheritor)
Bard 3
24 / 24 HP

Handsome, cocky, quick-witted, he's a little too smart for his own good sometimes.

Campaign & Party

Tue 5th Apr 2022 07:04


by Evandur Glockheart

• Lucien stopped by Evan’s place early this morning. He was coming to tell him the latest news he had on The Jagged Dream. Margo was with Evan, too (they had some ‘late night research’ to take care of the night before).
• Lucien had a run-in with some thugs the night before. They tried to intimidate Lucien into not following up on any more leads regarding the cult. Needless to say, Lucien disregarded their threats but wanted to let Evan know. Also, sensing things might get rough, Lucien brought Evan a hand crossbow for personal protection.
• When Evan answered the door there was also a small package addressed to Evan in his father’s handwriting. His dad was supposed to be away at a numenera dig site, as far as Evan knew.
• The package contained his dad’s journal of numenera research. Evan was immediately suspicious, since this was not something his dad would normally entrust to him.
• Evan decided to check in with his sister, Capula, at the university. When he arrived at her office, her assistant, Faro, told Evan she had just left that morning for a conference in Bodrov.
• Faro was dropping Professor Glockheart’s mail on her desk of for her to go through once she returned. That’s when Evan spied the Order of Truth invitation mixed in with the other correspondence stacked there.
• Knowing the university had strong ties at the Order of Truth, Evan sensed this might be an opportunity to discover relevant information about what was going on with his dad, since his sister wasn’t around.
• Evan pocketed the invitation and made his way to the Durkhal, the headquarters of the Order of Truth.

Evandur's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    05 Apr 2022 04:27:45
    05 Apr 2022 06:00:33
  3. TODAY
    05 Apr 2022 07:04:19

The major events and journals in Evandur's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 2: Group B: The Tipping Point: Potential to Kinetic

12:48 am - 24.04.2022

Session 2: Group B: The Tipping Point: Potential to Kinetic

10:31 pm - 21.04.2022

Session 1: An offer you cannot refuse

09:05 pm - 18.04.2022


• Lucien stopped by Evan’s place early this morning. He was coming to tell him the latest news he had on The Jagged Dream. Margo was with Evan, too (they had some ‘late night research’ to take care of the night before.) • Lucien had a run in wi...

04:28 pm - 05.04.2022


• More and more, Evan has begun hearing rumors regarding a group called The Jagged Dream, supposedly a secret cult. • They started off as small, off-handed comments heard while flirting with the wives of nobles and bureaucrats at fundraisers and char...

04:27 pm - 05.04.2022


• Evan was born in the city of QI, and has spent all his life withing the city walls. • His family, the Glockhearts, has a history of scholars and researchers in Qi. • His father, Dr. Senex Glockheart, is a well-respected academic and a Dean in th...

04:27 pm - 05.04.2022

[b]Lucien[/b], ex-cop, private eye, you don't want to be on his bad side.

04:24 pm - 05.04.2022

[b]Margo Nance[/b], reporter at The Qi Chronicler, sometimes girlfriend of Evan

04:22 pm - 05.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Evandur.