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Malein Venedira

Level 9 Mark of Sentinel Human N Rogue 5 & Monk 4
84 / 83 HP

Malien Veredira First born son to Neilen Veredira and Telri Veredira

Campaign & Party

Sun 12th Jul 2020 10:04

The forest awaits

by Malein Venedira

sadly when i woke up this morning lua wasn't at the bar so i just got a beer and head to house farbalar, ran into fen heading to the councel chambers. Once we got there calhoun asked us to wait while he convened to discuss our investigation. they gave us permission to venture forth in the the forest, after nearly 3 hours of travelling a horde of harpy's descended upon us. but luckily we dispatch them very quickly with little injury. We walk a little further before making camp for the night. I had to set up everything due to the incompetence of the others but fen did set up a alarm spell so i guess hes not completely useless. My watch was uneventful but after a hour into fens watch we got attacked it took a little to take the beast down. fen recognized it as a displacer beast and asked me to skin the creature. dryad requested offering for entering the temple, we gave them a topaz and a moonstone and blue quartz. first floor found several items of note. as we continued down the stairs we found a gynosphinx trapped behind a magical wall that Morgan ran into out of nowhere shocking her immediately, the surrounding area littered with cultist bodies.
after destroying half the temple we release the Sphinx and she gave us five question and an artifact. the artifact was an eye looking thing that apparently is an eye of Cthulhu
2nd Q was for raven queen's tome located; the silver tome of sealing is in the hands of someone that shouldn't have it, somewhere close but cant get to. translation will take a while
3rd Q was how do we go about helping mystra; on one of the island lies a temple to her and clear it and an answer may be presented.
4th Q How do we save the people that are strapped to the pillars in your dream; we cant
5th Q What can we do to lift the curse of the unending sleep; giving riviana an offering will incline her to lift the curse
riviana is the sphinx' name
sold some stuff
fire ganasi druid
we spoke to the counsel about all that we found on our trip, ensured that they would hunt over the next few days to make an offering for riviana.
we also informed Calhoun we need to go to the outer islands. afterwards we ate at the turquoise tavern before disbanding for the night. I stopped at the bar to hang out with lua
while shes working, continuing to talk into the night

Malein's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Death among Allies
    05 Jul 2020 06:47:29
  2. The forest awaits
    12 Jul 2020 10:04:12

The major events and journals in Malein's history, from the beginning to today.

session 15 Pt 2

01:54 am - 02.11.2020

session 15 Pt 2

09:05 pm - 01.11.2020

Session 15

09:04 pm - 01.11.2020

Session 15

08:52 pm - 01.11.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue pt3

12:58 am - 19.10.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue pt3

07:57 pm - 18.10.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue pt2

07:56 pm - 18.10.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue

08:36 pm - 20.09.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue

07:24 pm - 20.09.2020

Session 13: The morning after

02:51 am - 07.09.2020

Session 13: The morning after

06:57 pm - 06.09.2020

Session 12: The Calling of the Sword.

02:34 am - 24.08.2020

Session 12: The Calling of the Sword.

07:38 pm - 23.08.2020

Session 11 The Call of the Dragonborn

01:18 am - 10.08.2020

Session 11 The Call of the Dragonborn

06:01 pm - 09.08.2020

Session 10: The Second Island

12:34 am - 03.08.2020

Session 10: The Second Island

07:26 pm - 02.08.2020

Session 9: The First Temple

01:44 am - 27.07.2020

Session 9: The First Temple

06:57 pm - 26.07.2020

Session 8: The Voiceless Chain

01:27 am - 20.07.2020

Session 8: The Voiceless Chain

07:30 pm - 19.07.2020

Session 7

03:34 am - 13.07.2020

Session 7

07:28 pm - 12.07.2020

The forest awaits

sadly when i woke up this morning lua wasn't at the bar so i just got a beer and head to house farbalar, ran into fen heading to the councel chambers. Once we got there calhoun asked us to wait while he convened to discuss our investigation. they gave us ...

10:04 am - 12.07.2020

Session 6: New lands, New Friends

01:54 am - 06.07.2020

Session 6: New lands, New Friends

07:32 pm - 05.07.2020

Death among Allies

After spending the past week checking up on fenmaer, morgan , and gnarlis. Watching their investigation take its strides, I've still yet to get a chance to talk to gnarlis hes held up in the garden meditating the past few days. i waited at the turquoise t...

06:40 am - 05.07.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Malein.