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Sun 5th Jul 2020 06:47

Death among Allies

by Malein Venedira

Once I got here, I made it to house Farbalar to see Elenora. From what she tells me, it might benefit me to see what comes of her stepson fenmaer's investigation. spending the past week checking up on fenmaer, morgan , and gnarlis. Watching their investigation take its strides, I've still yet to get a chance to talk to gnarlis hes been held up in the garden meditating the past few days. i waited at the turquoise turtle for them to meet but after getting suspicious looks from the party and fenmaer leaving. I waited a couple more moments to leave and follow, but I had to take several alleys to slip away from morgan, but they're headed back to the mansion. when they ran into a little trouble with some ghouls i decided to help out while staying out of sight. Unfortunately I had to scale the side of the mansion just to stay with then, but after seeing the ghost of lyvenia riverlight and all the painting of myself and the single picture of gnarlis covered in blood. I mostly lost my footing falling down into a bush, by the time I got untangled from the bush, fen and morgan were on the ground and gnarlis kneeling in front of the tiefling. before I could get to the party gnarlis buckled over. Vornal is helping the mistress now.... what a fucking surprise and like always as soon as he's about to get his ass kicked he disappears. after the fight we carried gnarlis to Elizabeth to prepare his body for a proper burial within the garden. Before having an enlighting conversation with liz, I took gnarlis' amulet, he will be buried with it of course. After an eventful conversation with morgan included with a wonderful backhand, I head back to the tavern. Lua and I spent a good portion of the night drinking and talking before I went to bed for the night.

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  1. Death among Allies
  2. The forest awaits