This elite guard company consists of nine squads, each led by a Knight; the entire company is led by a
Knight-Commander. By tradition, these men are considered to be senior to those of equivalent rank in the rest of the realm's
armies. The King and each of the important members of the royal family is protected by a two or more personal knights (S.Tulkrim), while another is
assigned to the royal chambers in the Palace. The Royal Guard are primarily infantry, although they are trained with the lance and
war horse and will fight with the cavalry if the royal personage they are guarding goes into mounted combat.
Royal Guardsmen tend to be men however of late, as the Queens of Arnor and women across the Kingdom have entered warfare and politics en masse this has changed. They wear the same colors and insignia as their
counterparts in the Dagarim Aran, save that all clothing and gear is edged with gold and mithril. The guard holds yearly tournaments
to find warriors worthy to join their ranks. After winning such a tournament, the applicant must gain a personal recommendation
from a mighty and respected Lord.
Members of the royal family who hold lands or offices draw their guards from soldiers assigned to those lands or offices; the
palace itself is protected by a company of the Citadel Guard. In the time of the Arnorian kingdom, the Royal Guard had twice the
strength given here, with contingents drawn from all over Arnor.
Knight-Commander. By tradition, these men are considered to be senior to those of equivalent rank in the rest of the realm's
armies. The King and each of the important members of the royal family is protected by a two or more personal knights (S.Tulkrim), while another is
assigned to the royal chambers in the Palace. The Royal Guard are primarily infantry, although they are trained with the lance and
war horse and will fight with the cavalry if the royal personage they are guarding goes into mounted combat.
Royal Guardsmen tend to be men however of late, as the Queens of Arnor and women across the Kingdom have entered warfare and politics en masse this has changed. They wear the same colors and insignia as their
counterparts in the Dagarim Aran, save that all clothing and gear is edged with gold and mithril. The guard holds yearly tournaments
to find warriors worthy to join their ranks. After winning such a tournament, the applicant must gain a personal recommendation
from a mighty and respected Lord.
Members of the royal family who hold lands or offices draw their guards from soldiers assigned to those lands or offices; the
palace itself is protected by a company of the Citadel Guard. In the time of the Arnorian kingdom, the Royal Guard had twice the
strength given here, with contingents drawn from all over Arnor.