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Into the Mirror Brightly

A Adventures In Middle Earth game In the world of Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor
1356 T.A. 1974 T.A. | Full
Supporting Cast
The world is changing. Twenty years have passed since the ill-fated Rhudaur Rebellion. While not successful at first, the first insurgency spawned many more which have further weakened the already trepidacious realm. But, despite their wounds, the Dúnedain are not without power. The fortified weather hills and fortress at Amon Sul stand as a shield protecting Fornost and the heart of Arnor. The New king: Arveleg I, Eighteenth King of Arnor, Master of the Annúminas Stone, Heir of Númenor, and Protector of Amon Sûl, son of Argeleb with the help of Cardolan and the elves has checked Angmar's advance. For many years they have held the fortifications at the weather hills. Using the power of the master Palantir of amon sul, Arveleg has withstood the crucible of Angmar's campaign, a bulwark alone. Although not the largest bastion in Middle Earth, Amon Sul is home to a mighty power.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Euric The falcon