Angora Peatbode | World Anvil

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Angora Peatbode
The Magpie

Level 3 Halfling Chaotic Evil Rogue
/ HP

A small thing, an odd thing.

Campaign & Party

Played by

I'm new to DMing, but I want to create a space where people can have fun and meet others with similar interests! It would be nice to have a space where people can talk about Tabletop RPGs, and I hope to learn more to better develop that space.


The major events and journals in Angora's history, from the beginning to today.

Thinking about beans.

06:53 pm - 27.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Angora.

Played by

I'm new to DMing, but I want to create a space where people can have fun and meet others with similar interests! It would be nice to have a space where people can talk about Tabletop RPGs, and I hope to learn more to better develop that space.