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Escape the Black Isle

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Anchored Worlds
| Looking for Players


  • The Isle
    A blank biome map of the Isle, for player reference. Only asset marked is the Tower.
Supporting Cast
  • The Warden Livianna Sentrissa
    She is a disgraced monster hunter punished with the rule of the Black Isle. She has taken to her role with a characteristic zeal, and rules with an iron fist.
Miles off the coast of the Samael Empire and surrounded by a sea of enchanted waters, the Black Isle was once the domain of a powerful black dragon. After a powerful elven hunter defeated the dragon, the Isle now serves as a prison for those most dangerous and most offensive criminals in the Samael Empire. That includes you.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Tolla Soto

Level 3 Tiefling Hexblade Warlock
/ 21 HP

Nahira Poe

Angora Peatbode

Level 3 Halfling Chaotic Evil Rogue
/ HP