Paelias Xistsrith | World Anvil

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Paelias Xistsrith

Campaign & Party

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Tide Island III

by Paelias Xistsrith

The fight begins in proper
It's looking Pyrrhic at the moment, things are in our favour but everyone who's gotten hit's clearly hurt
Battle is over, the enemy has surrendered

Paelias's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Paelias's history, from the beginning to today.

Tide Island III

The fight begins in proper It's looking Pyrrhic at the moment, things are in our favour but everyone who's gotten hit's clearly hurt Battle is over, the enemy has surrendered...

12:56 am - 20.09.2022

Tide Island II

22/08/22 Got in a fight with the pirates. Surrender near instantly Probably not pirates. Pirates don't really use the term "Official Buisness". Doing work for a "well regarded governor" for the Concord These are some of the worst pirates I've see...

12:50 am - 23.08.2022

Tide Isle I

15-08-22 Kyliath is talking to Tide, a water Elemental, trying to get them to restart the weather so we can bounce. Tides stuff's been knicked so and they're willing to lets us out if we bring it back. We ran into another pirate gang, trying to s...

12:07 am - 16.08.2022

First Entry: Chores Chores Chores...

01/08/22 Still doing chores. Chores Chores Chores. I'm willing to bet that Nikiyi "Flatfeet" is just pushing her duties onto me. I've met Joel. He's new (Not as much as me) and I'm teaching him to shark. Did a good job if I say so myself Taken to...

12:36 am - 02.08.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Paelias.

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