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Creskol 'Cress' Varradam

Ranger of Hench, half-orc essir. Works with her colleagues to watch the river border and monitor the flora and fauna of the Eaves. Some in the town, such as Ren ma Gallad, believe her destiny is inextricably entwined with that of the Hazenbough. Cress doesn’t really buy into that ‘child of destiny’ stuff, but makes the most of her unique position among the town’s population. She’s found that the cultural importance of her role has come with its own perks, and makes bigots think twice before starting a fight (although she’s pretty buff so that helps too). Cress makes a journey beyond the Eaves two or three times a year, to perform a traditional ritual in a sacred grove. She’s tall, with olive green skin and viridian hair that’s shaved on the sides while the centre line is tied back into a series of ponytails. Growing from the back of her head is her vrasithi - a long prehensile vine.

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