Calen Tumenril | World Anvil

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Calen Tumenril

Chaotic Good Wood Elf (hollow one) (Elf Bounty Hunter)
Ranger 10
108 / 108 HP

A wood elf, traitorous to his clan and kin. Mooneyed though able to see with cropped ears and teeth that he keeps closely shaven. Well organized and careful about his actions but he has no problem ignoring a plan if a better opportunity presents itself.

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The major events and journals in Calen's history, from the beginning to today.

OK I hope yall are sitting down... We met a red dragon, his name is Ashwind (Ashwynd?) anyway, he's actually pretty chill. He wants to become a gold dragon and we are gonna help him. I really think he's gonna do it! In other news, we killed the hag. Yula has her voice back and uh... Ashwind destroyed the village, but they kinda sucked and he didn't kill Lilly so that's a plus! The next day Wren ran off. I'm running after him now, posting this and running at full speed through the woods would be a challenge but I'm a wood elf so it's easyhfoasudjhfngvap;/oe0w9srdnh zXC I fell... ok I'll update once I find Wren

11:46 pm - 18.05.2024

This Wren dude can be a little weird ngl.. He gets like taller and darker when he gets really serious, is paying some demon rat 500g a day to protect this lady we met. Otherwise, he's a pretty cool dude, I hope he's around for a while. Average RCF encounter honestly

11:41 pm - 05.04.2024

Yo, we are fighting this hag that took my best friends voice. Crazy day for some, average day for The Red Crest Familia!

04:03 am - 02.03.2024

Session 19: True Colours

09:38 pm - 27.08.2022

Session 19: True Colours.

09:38 pm - 27.08.2022

Session 6: Low Friends in High Places, High Friends in Low Places

07:35 pm - 14.12.2021

Session 6: Low Friends in High Places, High Friends in Low Places

11:44 pm - 11.12.2021

Session 4: Hunting the accused PT. 1

12:03 am - 07.12.2021

Session 5: Lariel, not Loreal

02:14 am - 05.12.2021

Session 5: Lariel, not Loreal

11:53 pm - 04.12.2021

Session 4: Hunting the accused PT. 1

10:27 pm - 27.11.2021

Session 2: Time enough to primp.

02:01 am - 07.11.2021

Session 2: Time enough to primp.

08:34 pm - 06.11.2021

"The eyes of the moon are upon you"

03:08 am - 15.09.2021

Not sure what I think of the adventurers guild. I do suppose the class on the Upir will be beneficial, at least then I'll know what I've gotten myself into. The class "God that's fucked up" also caught my eye, seeing as most of my early life can be summed up in that phrase, I think I will find it quite interesting. Ula is proving to be a most... challenging companion, though there is something endearing about her if you can get past the blood and murder and stealing and... I think I'll stop there.

07:42 pm - 14.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Calen.

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Other Characters by Bosun