Yula | World Anvil


Murder Bird Kenku ()
Warlock 10
86 / 86 HP

She pecks. She wrecks. But most importantly... She stabs fine as heck.

Sat 4th Dec 2021 06:22

Journey Log #3: To the Hero’s Guild and new beginnings; Becoming the Redcrest Seven.

by Yula

The journey from Kas to Hero’s Hold had not been a short one, especially for one unused to travelling by ship. Having spent just short of a month at sea nearly drove Yula mad.. well, more mad, anyway.
With little to do and little to see, she spent the first few days compulsively arranging her shinies, guarding her keg and preening her feathers until she started looking for more to pass the time. She did find ways to amuse herself; causing a fair deal of mischief about the ship as she did. She pestered Calen and the sailors, hid mops and sponges, followed and mimicked the sailors as they went about their duties and repeated their sea shanties on a loop while scampering from one end of the ship to the other. One sailor in particular, she spent a great deal of time messing with from a distance; speaking into his mind in various voices and whispers until he’d started yelling into the air at nothing. Speaking into others' minds had still been somewhat new for her, but she quite enjoyed the ability to do so and had been practicing its use. This was also the first stretch of time Yula had been away from her Sister since they’d met and while she did feel lonely, she found solace in the fact that she still had Hilduk by her side. In some small way, she also found comfort in knowing that she had a new friend by her side; Calen, even if she didn’t fully trust him yet.
Soon enough, the month at sea came to an end. Yula and Calen finally arrived at Hero’s Hold and as planned went on to join the Hero’s Guild. They both spent a fair deal of time in the Hero’s Guild; learning, taking a few classes and meeting the people they would soon enough journey and work with. Yula herself took an interest in the class ‘Void Magic’, taught by a Halfling named Javier Fagnir Moroon; based on the sole fact that the class happened to have the word magic in its name.
While she had the opportunity to take another class during her time in the Hero’s Guild, Yula instead took to pestering and following around Madam Sahar; after overhearing that she was knowledgeable about the Skaeran Desert. It didn’t matter what she was doing or when.. each time Yula saw her she would scamper over and follow her through the halls, either listening in on her conversations, or pestering her with a multitude of questions about the King of Sand. Whether she’d ever seen it, if she knew anything about it, if she knew where it lived or how it lived, if she knew what colour it was, why it didn’t like sandroot, and any other questions that happened to come to her mind. She also shared tid-bits with Madam Sahar from her time in Miner’s Mirage and the things she had heard from its people while she was there.
After some time had passed in the guild, Yula came to be at least somewhat acquainted with the group she would be travelling with; an interesting and rather diverse bunch including herself and Calen. First was Shyle, a rather confident human; at least in his stance and the way he carried himself. Then there was Suro, another human, he seemed responsible and for the most part level headed. Next was Belanor; an odd one for sure, he was a Sea Elf with little to no understanding of the surface world, though learning quickly. Following him was a Halfling named Fafnir, equally as feisty as he was small. And last but not least was the towering Firbolg named Dracunculus, a kind and interesting individual.
When it finally came time for this rag-tag band to take on their first official quest with the Guild, it also came to light that they would need a name for themselves; something for which they could be recognized. After some deliberation, conversation and mild debate they came to call themselves the Redcrest Seven; ‘Red’ to remind them of the blood they shed together, ‘Crest’ for the waves the moon pulls from the sea, and ‘Seven’ for the souls embarking on this journey. With their name and their quest at hand, the Redcrest Seven ventured out onto their first ever assignment as a team; the delivery of a potion to Meister Kris Yorgenson and to save the maiden Yorgenson.
With their task at hand, Yula along with the party boarded another ship and made their way towards the Western coast of Asos, where they would find their way to Bweliar; a small village on the Eastern Border of the Great Luxon Forest and the Larien Wood. Not incredibly hard to find, but a trek nonetheless. Along the way, Yula pestered the others and frequently tried to steal their shinies; though under Calen’s watchful eye, their shinies remained safe and their backs unstabbed.
Upon arriving in Bweliar, those who had not split off to scout ahead were searched by the guards, given the rundown and rules of the village, and were soon approached by none other than Kris Yorgenson himself, who, despite touching Yula without her permission got off the hook without a stabbing due to the fact that he had given her two rubies; one for herself and one for Hilduk.
Following a few brief introductions, Yula and the others found their way to Master Yorgensons. Yula quickly became distracted by food while the others spoke to Kris. It wasn’t long before Calen found his way back to the group after scouting, mentioning a strange pond he’d seen in the forest. Soon after, Yula found herself following everyone to go check it out.
A lot happened out in that forest.. they found the pond.. Calen walked into it and was possessed by something; though it escaped as the others fought him, and then Dracunculus wandered off into the forest and proceeded to fall out of an incredibly tall tree. He was spoken to by a strange creature that Yula had never seen before and given a small bag of shiny, golden pine needles. When he showed the pine needles to the party, Yula tried to grab them using her mage hand, though as she did, something unexpected happened; as soon as her mage hand touched one of the needles, Hilduk exploded beneath her cloak and her connection to magic was severed. Upon the sudden realization that Hilduk had just died, she flew into a rage, rushing toward Dracunculus, though held back by Calen who she immediately turned on for stopping her. Stabbing him, she managed to get away but was knocked unconscious by Suro before she could get very far.
The next thing Yula knew, she was waking up in a cot back in Kris’ home with a pounding headache and a memory not her own placed into her mind. She had been given the memory of a conversation between Kris and Calen while she’d been unconscious. Kris’ explanation on the different types of magic and those who use them, some talk about her father; though in a negative light that she herself could not agree with, after all, they didn’t know her father like she did, and perhaps the most disturbing part of the memory; Calen’s decision to have Kris change her memory so that she wouldn’t remember Hilduk exploding. While Calen clearly hadn’t been fond of the idea and his intentions were kind… knowing that he’d made that call for her upset her immensely. They were her memories… her things to know… and in her mind, Calen had tried to take control of that; he’d tried to take away her agency and make the choice for her.
Sitting beside her in the room was Kris; reading some tomes as she slept. He set them down once she woke and had a brief conversation with her about her relationship with her father and the events that had taken place in the forest. During this conversation, Yula had accused Kris of taking her dagger, which resulted in him displaying an expression that surpassed any fury or cruelty she’d seen before.. and it had frightened her; at least enough for her to consider treading more lightly around him.
After their conversation, Yula ate, saw that Vila was not dead, and then returned to the room she’d woken in to look through the tomes that Kris had been reading. They were tomes on magic, many of which were far too advanced and complicated for her to hope to understand at this time, but ever determined to learn, she still tried to read them. Kris took notice to Yula trying to read through the tomes and approached her, offering to and then starting to teach her some of the basics of magic; leading her through a few of the books for most of the day until he suddenly stopped,stood, and vanished from the room with a gust of wind that sent papers and books flying.
Later that evening, Yula learned why he had vanished; Dracunculus and Fafnir had found a body out in the woods, a man named Redrand, a friend of his and the father of Cassidy; a young girl who had been taking care of Vila… and the cause of Yula’s pounding headache, for she had been sitting on guard with a frying pan the previous evening in order to prevent Yula from waking while her party dealt with other things. While Yula couldn’t care less about Redrand’s death, she still found herself with the others attending his farewells.
It was during Redrands farwells that Kris offered the party another job; to find and bring back whoever had killed him. They accepted and with Cassidy now by their side, the Redcrest Seven began preparation toward the next step of their journey.

The major events and journals in Yula's history, from the beginning to today.

Don't poop with the door open!

06:04 pm - 23.06.2024

Calen's dancing with Ashwind!

05:28 am - 08.06.2024

God sweat!

04:32 am - 18.05.2024

No, YOU fuck off!

08:48 pm - 04.02.2024

Tell them Yula liked being with them.

02:20 am - 06.08.2023

No! We're in shit!

04:15 am - 03.05.2023

Fuck it!

01:02 am - 30.04.2023

Floor grapes! The dust gives them texture!

05:45 am - 19.02.2023


04:00 am - 09.01.2023


01:24 am - 16.10.2022


05:25 am - 09.10.2022


02:48 am - 29.05.2022

Grandpa Gruyo!

02:09 am - 23.04.2022

Is Yula being good? Yula will keep them safe.

05:26 am - 30.01.2022


02:09 am - 23.01.2022

Done by linktr.ee/neverskipeggday

12:52 am - 14.01.2022

Yula went to prison. Yula's being good!

05:34 am - 01.01.2022

Yula's not running!

03:34 pm - 05.12.2021

To the Hero’s Guild and new beginnings; Becoming the Redcrest Seven.

[small][in]The journey from Kas to Hero’s Hold had not been a short one, especially for one unused to travelling by ship. Having spent just short of a month at sea nearly drove Yula mad.. well, more mad, anyway. [in]With little to do and little to s...

06:16 am - 04.12.2021

An unlikely friendship; Yula meets Calen

[in]About a week had passed after Yula, Hilduk and Flek had first arrived in the city of Kas. The sheer variety of different people and creatures in the city had been something Yula found herself marvelling at. To her, it seemed that all manner of creatur...

02:46 pm - 25.09.2021

From Helbrim to the Sea; Yula’s journey begins.

[in]It had not been long since Yula had left Helbrim behind before she found herself travelling towards the Skaeran Desert by Hilduk and Flek’s side. This would be her first time seeing or travelling through a desert and she was rather excited to see wh...

03:03 am - 18.09.2021

A brief interview with Yula

[b]Family and Childhood[/b] [b]What were you like as a child?[/b] Yula does not know. [b]Do you come from a large or small family?[/b] Yula does not. [b]Did you have to grow up fast?[/b] Yula was always grown up? [b]Do you want to grow...

03:03 am - 14.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Yula.