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Jaya Andromeda Gallagher

Level 8 Tiefling CN Rogue
52 / 52 HP

"Ex"-criminal. Slayer of demons. Crow's best friend. Annoyed I had to use my real name for this shit.

23rd of Simia, 1017
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Fri 28th Feb 2020 09:54


by Jaya Andromeda Gallagher

Hit up a place called Selsten's General Store. It was pretty average until I reached the counter. Owner's this nervous little man, I assume Selsten. He's got this statue. Looks to be solid gold. And it's the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life, I don't know how to even describe it?
Found some weird papers in my bag. They're covered in these symbols I can't read. I don't remember when or where I got them, but I can't help but think it's got something to do with what Espen said last night. Not sure if I should bring this up with the others or not.
We headed past the Cat & Cauldron, and Espen was outside. Surrounded by guards, with manacles on. Two others there stuck out to me. One was this tall, pale-ass fucker. Had this symbol on his forehead that made me squirm. His armor was more decorated, and he was clearly in charge. Heard him called "Raza," which like. Is it a coincidence his name is "Azar" backwards, or no?
The other that stuck out to me was someone named Marius. There was a letter from him on Espen's desk last night. Arcanist Marius Asriel. He was scolding Espen, telling him something was too dangerous. He mentioned two other names - Cade and Willow.
It's a 3 day walk to Dewood, but it was thankfully mostly uneventful. Once we hit the forest, a roc flew overhead. I didn't even notice it, and I probably would have gotten us all killed if Mokon hadn't pushed me into cover.
We could see the smoke from a distance. There was a lot of it. The town was in chaos, there were flames licking up everywhere. Townspeople were running and screaming from this massive... thing. I don't have the words to describe it, which is becoming something I'm sick of saying. A drow woman was leading the defense - Captain Stran. She's really cool. I gave her that health potion I stole after we injured that demon enough for it to flee. We helped out an orphaned girl, her name's Willa. She likes Pockets a lot, so I've let her hold onto him for now.
The man in charge of the healers is another cleric, like Mokon. His name is Mesun Crowshade, and he's covered in tattoos. Got these little round glasses. Mentioned something called the Hunter's Guild, and the High Hawks? Never heard of either of those things.
The only structures left standing are the town hall and the healer's tent. It's a fucking mess here. Why hasn't the Church helped? They claim to be all good, but they haven't lifted a fucking finger to help these people who are being taken and having who knows what done to them by that thing.

Jaya's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. What the FUCK.
    28 Feb 2020 09:48:51
  2. Dewood
    28 Feb 2020 09:54:57

The major events and journals in Jaya's history, from the beginning to today.

Off to Dewood

Hit up a place called Selsten's General Store. It was pretty average until I reached the counter. Owner's this nervous little man, I assume Selsten. He's got this statue. Looks to be solid gold. And it's the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life...

09:46 pm - 28.02.2020

What the FUCK.

Joined up with a group working a job for some flashy wizard type. Espen Cinrell. He needed an escort, but we ran into some dire trolls along the way and had to take shelter in a cave, and Espen sealed us in. Turns out the place was infested with kobolds, ...

09:39 pm - 28.02.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jaya.

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