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Fri 28th Feb 2020 09:48

What the FUCK.

by Jaya Andromeda Gallagher

Joined up with a group working a job for some flashy wizard type. Espen Cinrell. He needed an escort, but we ran into some dire trolls along the way and had to take shelter in a cave, and Espen sealed us in. Turns out the place was infested with kobolds, and the cave almost collapsed in on us. The rest is boring as hell, we just made our way to Lupia and his shop - the Cat & Cauldron. We had tea and left - not before I nabbed a health potion, though. Figured it was only fair.
The other two who went on that quest with me - Crow and Mokon? They seem alright. The big guy's got a stick up his ass, but having a healer is pretty damn helpful. Never really liked bards, but Crow's different than the ones I've met before. He's not flashy, more stoic. We decided to stick together and check out the job board. There was only one option that stuck out to us - a plea for help from some little town called Dewood. They said they were under attack, and in desperate need of healers.
The first place we went to would've been fine, if I hadn't seen Silvana, of all people, checking out with the innkeeper. I fucking panicked, even though I was wearing a different face. Pockets tailed her for a bit after she left. It was her and two others. A gnome and a human with some weird, golden scars. They called him DAMIEN. Like Damien from the amulet. He said something along the lines of, "He's so dramatic, it's just a locket." What the fuck did Jack get me into? The gnome spotted Pockets, and Silvana recognized him. She knew I was watching. Looked him in the eye, said, "I'll find you," and crushed the life out of him. It was fucked up, and I'm still freaked out. Mokon was a dick about it and wouldn't go to another inn, but Crow joined me down the street at the Spotted Hare. I didn't tell them much, but they know something's up with me.
Lupia's still strange to me. So much bigger than back home, and everything's so carefully organized? They've got it split into districts. The Church is at the center of the city. Then there's the Tradefair district near the entrance. The Highest Towers is where the rich bitches all live. The Warden's Keep is where the city hall and military activity is. Stoneyard's a big cemetery. Not sure what's in the Firelight District, maybe the poorer folks? And there's the Academic Quarter - could be someone there I could learn a thing or two about magic from.
Last night, before bed, I remembered something. Espen, sitting across from us while we drank our tea. He said he was sorry, and that it was for our own safety. What the hell is going on?

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  1. What the FUCK.
  2. Dewood