Atrius Felwod

A Human that grow up in the cold and dark lands of Calgary. Cursed by a witch at a young age he had no choice but to leave his home and family behind, taken in by a suli and trained to be a merchant.

8th of Usano, 2534 I.D.

What's the Difference

by Atrius Felwod

I have discovered a problem, the people of Valverde don't speak the language of my people. Thankfully I haven't been able to embarrass myself to much among my peers, not that I have many peers in the first place. Kilio doesn't make it a common occurrence to take on children it seems, I am the exception not the rule. With this discovery of my general lack of understanding of the surroundings has left me with a disadvantage, something Kilio will not allow due to the fact that "I'm under his care". With this I have been taking lessons from a myriad of tutors to further my field knowledge, no subject was left untouched, history, language, math, magic, and my most favorite, art. It turns out that my homelands was once host to the Empire of Caeldours, where their new language Caldoris has become the most commonly known among the people of their lands. I speak Caleyin, the empires former language and the common language of my people in Calgary. Isn't that just delightful.

Atrius's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The First Entry
    5th of Usano, 2534 I.D.
  2. I Was Right
    6th of Usano, 2534 I.D.
  3. What's the Difference
    8th of Usano, 2534 I.D.

The major events and journals in Atrius's history, from the beginning to today.

What's the Difference

I have discovered a problem, the people of Valverde don't speak the language of my people. Thankfully I haven't been able to embarrass myself to much among my peers, not that I have many peers in the first place. Kilio doesn't make it a common occurrence ...

11:08 pm - 06.09.2021

I Was Right

I fucking knew it, that kel'noct (fucker) Kilio gave me this journal not as the test but for a test. He is having me sent too Valverde as a test and he is using this journal to see how I'd acclimate to the setting. Valverde is near the edge of Calgary, a ...

07:39 pm - 12.07.2021

The First Entry

This is stupid... Kilio, my benefactor, gave me this journal to either keep tabs on me or make me write down my feelings. Maybe this is some kind of test, a way to judge my character perhaps, either way I don't like it....

06:45 pm - 09.07.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Atrius.