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Atrius Felwod

Atrius Felwod

A young man with a sharp mind and an even sharper blade. Be careful when you speak to him, he will remember all the insults before he accepts the compliments.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

With his snow white hair and pale skin Atrius does stand out in a group of people. His most striking feature is his eyes. A pair of ruby red eyes that seem to gleam in the dark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atrius Felwod is the 3rd child of Onnik Felwod and Venka Felwod. Sadly, his birth was a somber affair as his mother had died shortly after he came into the world. She had been sick with an unidentifiable disease for 3 months before she drew her last breath.   He was born in a small woodland village of Orlaris located in Calgary. Unfortunately when you're a member of such a small village you learn that everyone has to provide a benefit in any way you can, no one was excluded from this form of system, even the children. So at the young age of 8 he was taught the ways of his family, Relakia, caretakers of the surrounding forest and guides for those that need passage, guardians to protect it from those that harm it. When he first started learning his fathers ways he was enthusiastic, going into the forest to pick at the local flora and fauna, camping out for the night and returning home with days worth of food. However, it was one of these days that he would stumble upon a lone cabin in the familiar woods, the surroundings all recognizable but the cabin was not, a strange new feature in comparison to the forest. It was old as well, the wood holding it together showing signs of age. The surrounding grass had started to climb up the cabin, sticking inside the wood boards and taking root into the grounds beneath, as if it had been there for quite some time. His curiosity peaked he ventured into the cabin to explore further. After an hour of looking around the cabin he would be found by his father, a greatly worried and disturbed look on his face, his father was followed by a group of fellow Relakia. He had been lost for a week his father told him, but Atrius could only say that he had found a cabin to rest in for a couple of hours.   Once he returned home his father would tell him that he had found Yari's cabin, a witch that tends to only interact with children and that when she was done with them she would mark them for something later. It would be a day after the event that Yari's mark would reveal itself in the form of albinism. Atrius' body had gradually changed overnight, his hair going from its normal black to freshly fallen snow, and his skin turning an unusual pale. Although the most shocking were his eyes, a deep red that seemed to glow in the dark. Fearing for his son, Onnik redeemed a favor from the local guildmaster to get Atrius as far away as possible from the witch.   After a couple of days Atrius was introduced to Kilio, a Suli merchant, and guild master, that his father redeemed a favor from. Atrius would then begin working for Kilio at the age of 11, reluctantly leaving his village to keep him away from the witches grasp. It would take 3 years until anything of interest would happen. Kilio had decided that it was time for Atrius to gain some actual experience. “Manage a small jewel store in Valverde and I shall give you a reward depending on how you have done.” Accepting the task given to him Atrius would spend another 3 years looking after a little store called “Dream Crafts''. Particularly in the jewel and gem section.   That was where he met Visalia, a Drow who worked in "Dream Crafts" as an apprentice to a seamstress. Atrius would often get into petty squabbles with her before they would come to realize they were showing off towards each other. This would eventually lead them into a relationship that would continue to grow. After another 2 years of working at "Dream Crafts" and in love with his fellow apprentice, Atrius would have saved enough money to purchase a house for himself and his love. From there on he would continue to run the jewel store and live with Visalia for about ½ a year before he would discover that she would tell him that she was with his child.   Now a father and a homeowner he began to think that it was time to settle down, marry his love and be the best father/husband he can be. Sadly this was not to be, his Guildmaster Kilio would arrive at Atrius's home to give him "The Good News". Now that he has passed his test, Kilio has sponsored him to go to Gallomont Academy. Sadly this would force him to leave his family as he has no choice but to go due to his Guildmaster being quite the beneficiary of the school. However he was allowed to stay away from the academy for 2 years due to his special circumstances of him being a sponsor. This would allow him to watch his daughter Zalia grow until she was 2 before he was forced to leave.

Gender Identity

Male, addressed as He/Him.




  • As a young boy Atrius was taught the ways of a Relakia until the age of 11.
  • Taken in by Kilio, he had gain 6 years of knowledge on merchant craft.


  • Atrius ran a successful jewel store for 7 years in Valverde.

Mental Trauma

Atrius fell into a frozen lake when he was running away from a monster. He had drifted under the ice and had almost drowned. This has given him Hydrophobia, specifically of frozen lakes.   He found his mothers grave empty, this has given him a general dislike for those that disturbs the dead's rest.

Morality & Philosophy

The world is a dangerous place, Atrius will see to it that his family is protected. The world could burn for all he cares.

Personality Characteristics


  • Atrius wishes to cure and revitalize the forest of Calgary.
  • As a Gem Merchant Atrius has taken to collecting his own set of jewels, if not to sale then to admire.
  • Atrius wants to be the best father he can be for his daughter Zalia.

Likes & Dislikes

Atrius likes gems, well crafted items, and the color purple.   He dislikes those that disturbed the dead.


Well groomed, he regular washes himself when he has the time.


Contacts & Relations

  • Lenora, a Lionkin Teguel that share similar morals with Atrius.
  • Kilio, a Suli that controls a large amount of wealth. He is the Dream Traders guildmaster and yearly donates to a plethora of ventures.


Lenora Kris

Friend (Vital)

Towards Atrius Felwod



Atrius Felwod

Friend (Important)

Towards Lenora Kris



A Human that grow up in the cold and dark lands of Calgary. Cursed by a witch at a young age he had no choice but to leave his home and family behind, taken in by a suli and trained to be a merchant.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Pale Gem Merchant
  • Prince of Dreams
Date of Birth
3rd of Falian, 2523 Imperius Dominus
Orlaris, Calgary
Current Residence
Gallomont Academy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Don't resent me for what comes next. You choose this, not me." - Atrius to a group of thugs   "A dagger in the dark is ten times more threatening than one in the light." - Atrius and Lenora planning a heist
Known Languages
  • Ancient Common
  • Common
  • Dwarven
  • Ignan
  • Jotun
  • Sylvan
  • Undercommon

What's the Difference
8th of Usano, 2534 I.D.

I have discovered a problem, the people of Valverde don't speak the language of my people. Thankfully I haven't been able to embarrass myself to much among my peers, not that I have many peers in the first place. Kilio doesn't make it a common occurrence to take on children it seems, I am the exception not the rule. With this discovery of my general lack of understanding of the surroundings has left me with a disadvantage, something Kilio will not allow due to the fact that "I'm under his care". With this I have been taking lessons from a myriad of tutors to further my field knowledge, no subject was left untouched, history, language, math, magic, and my most favorite, art. It turns out that my homelands was once host to the Empire of Caeldours, where their new language Caldoris has become the most commonly known among the people of their lands. I speak Caleyin, the empires former language and the common language of my people in Calgary. Isn't that just delightful.

I Was Right
6th of Usano, 2534 I.D.

I fucking knew it, that kel'noct (fucker) Kilio gave me this journal not as the test but for a test. He is having me sent too Valverde as a test and he is using this journal to see how I'd acclimate to the setting. Valverde is near the edge of Calgary, a foothold for those looking for safe entry into one of the most inhospitable lands in Kelestia... I grew up in those cold and dangerous lands and now he sends me to a port city which not only brings people but also laws, laws I will have to follow if I'm going to be living there... Slo'ct (Fuck)

The First Entry
5th of Usano, 2534 I.D.

This is stupid... Kilio, my benefactor, gave me this journal to either keep tabs on me or make me write down my feelings. Maybe this is some kind of test, a way to judge my character perhaps. Either way I don't like it.


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