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Alice Bass

Banu Haqim | 12 Generation

The major events and journals in Alice's history, from the beginning to today.

3 agg damage HP 2 Full Boxes xxxoo

02:27 am - 14.01.2023

2 aggravated damage HP: 3 full boxes xxooo

02:11 am - 14.01.2023

translations: The tongue beyond the eyes, opener of ways, key to the gate, wanderer of paths 5 successes: Bahina, sire of the great sage, traveller of ways, last child of The Moon -- reference the library

02:08 am - 14.01.2023

-1 will. willpower: 3

12:50 am - 14.01.2023

THe elder Edfrith wishes to take the monolith. While I trust the idea of not wanting to have it in other hands, the only safe place for this is back at the bottom of the ocean.

04:28 am - 31.12.2022

translated from the monolith: The mouth that lies beyond the eyes: Brahina the link to the gate

04:27 am - 31.12.2022

Alice's weapons, left by her Sire, Ben.

01:49 am - 31.12.2022

Kalian has been informed of the situation. Hopefully He is securing the building.

01:44 am - 31.12.2022

-1 willpower

01:21 am - 31.12.2022

Sire has left a pistol, a knife, and a cane. Alice takes this with her.

01:20 am - 31.12.2022

My master has been taken. possibly by Cameria? Elders have taken Staten Island. With the Cameria taking over and stealing Vampires, The Elders may be my only hope. Mayhaps I can offer our more unique services and memberships in exchange for help with my sire?

01:19 am - 31.12.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alice.