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Biri Fenkenraybradon

Biri was a warrior in the Fenkenraybradon clan of white dragonborn in the North. After being attacked by Blood Nasra, Biri defended her home and defeated Mavhik, the son of Malfor, by tackling him off of a glacial cliff. Biri survived but was paralyzed.

Campaign & Party

Northlands Expeditionary Force

Char Xin Lydia Biri Armin
Run by Kaiserlando
Wed 1st Jul 2020 07:27

The Battles Ahead

by Biri Fenkenraybradon

It seems that perhaps selfishness has gotten us into this predicament, and so much has happened. We chose to come here to find out what happened to some missing wizards, with the hope of finding some useful loot and items. When we arrived we were attacked by undead and some giant spiders. I had decided to lean into the holier aspects of my powers and drove a couple away with my holy symbol, while the others finished the rest off. We traversed the cave to find a corpse with some information, and then met a man dying of some sickness I had never seen before. He froze and shattered right in front of us. What he gave us is dangerous, but it leads me to believe that this winter has nothing to with Zheng. As disappointed as I am, I can't help but feel that I can still make a difference here. I feel my powers grow and I am getting stronger every day. I can't consider this a waste, especially since we may have found a lead to the source of this winter. This cult of dark elves are searching for it too and we have to be careful who we trust. It seems like this artifact is very powerful, as it must be to effect the entire continent as it has.
We have been fighting non-stop since we arrived here. There is no time to rest. I hope that we will-
We were attacked. Armin was taken. I tried to get to him but my body was too weak to pierce the beasts armor. I became too reliant on these powers and now that they are depleted I am useless. I am such a fool! To wait for my recovery would likely mean his end. We have no time, we haven't seemed to have time since we entered this blasted underground.
Is this what desperation breeds? I took something from this witch to give me my powers back, but I can't get over this feeling of guilt, like I am not faithful or that I am cheating what is fair. Part of me puts this aside to help my companions, but another can't stop feeling like I am failing in my faith, if that is what you can call this relationship with Zheng. Another battle is won, but the cost of working with this witch and he deal that she made with Bucky has me concerned. Did I unknowingly agree to something by taking that powder? I fear this witch and the upcoming battle. She said we are close so we have taken time to rest.

Biri's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Day One: searching for Zheng
    26 Jun 2020 01:39:45
  2. Rescuing the wizard
    01 Jul 2020 06:47:03
  3. The Battles Ahead
    01 Jul 2020 07:27:00

The major events and journals in Biri's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 32: The Black Blade calls...

02:56 am - 09.02.2022

Session 32: The Black Blade calls...

02:56 am - 09.02.2022

Session 31: Lost, but not forgotten...

12:31 am - 27.11.2021

Session 31: Lost, but not forgotten...

12:30 am - 27.11.2021

Session 31: Lost, but not forgotten...

12:30 am - 27.11.2021

Session 30: The Disappearance of the Sword Dancer

04:07 am - 26.11.2021

Session 30: The Disappearance of the Sword Dancer

04:07 am - 26.11.2021

Session 29: Easthaven and Back Again, A Leap Through Time

04:02 am - 26.11.2021

Session 29: Easthaven and Back Again, A Leap Through Time

04:02 am - 26.11.2021

Session 29: Easthaven and Back Again, A Leap Through Time

04:01 am - 26.11.2021

Session 27: Ythryn and the Netherese

03:40 am - 04.03.2021

Session 27: Ythryn and the Netherese

03:40 am - 04.03.2021

Session 26: A Lone Heart, Grown Cold

05:31 pm - 14.02.2021

Session 26: A Lone Heart, Grown Cold

08:57 pm - 13.02.2021

Session 24: The King in Black

08:35 pm - 06.02.2021

Session 24: The King in Black

08:35 pm - 06.02.2021

Session 23: One Falls, A Fire Rises

02:16 am - 24.01.2021

Session 23: One Falls, A Fire Rises

02:15 am - 24.01.2021

Session 22: The Battle of Easthaven

05:14 pm - 18.01.2021

Session 22: The Battle of Easthaven

05:14 pm - 18.01.2021

Session 22: The Battle of Easthaven

05:14 pm - 18.01.2021

Session 21: The Invisible Threat and the Fire from Above

10:51 pm - 13.01.2021

Session 21: The Invisible Threat and the Fire from Above

10:51 pm - 13.01.2021

Session 21: The Invisible Threat and the Fire from Above

10:51 pm - 13.01.2021

Session 19 & 20: Abominable Snow and the Beware

05:33 pm - 10.01.2021

Session 19 & 20: Abominable Snow and the Beware

05:33 pm - 10.01.2021

Session 17 & 18: Murder Moose and the Who's Whoooot

12:21 am - 29.11.2020

Session 17 & 18: Murder Moose and the Who's Whoooot

12:21 am - 29.11.2020

Session 17 & 18: Murder Moose and the Who's Whoooot

12:21 am - 29.11.2020

Session 16: Battle for the Throne

11:18 pm - 24.10.2020

Session 16: Battle for the Throne

07:18 pm - 24.10.2020

Session 15: Traversing to the Point of No Return

06:06 pm - 22.10.2020

Session 15: Traversing to the Point of No Return

06:05 pm - 22.10.2020

The Seer and the Wicked Web

05:39 pm - 22.10.2020

The Seer and the Wicked Web

05:39 pm - 22.10.2020

Session 13: It All Comes Together

06:14 pm - 28.09.2020

Session 13: It All Comes Together

06:14 pm - 28.09.2020

Session 12: To All the Battle I've Seen Before

09:01 pm - 21.09.2020

Session 12: To All the Battle I've Seen Before

09:00 pm - 21.09.2020

Session 11: A Magical Discovery

11:01 pm - 12.09.2020

Session 11: A Magical Discovery

11:01 pm - 12.09.2020

Session 10: A Whole New World

08:56 pm - 25.07.2020

Session 10: A Whole New World

07:36 pm - 25.07.2020

Session 9: An Unlikely Gathering

09:29 pm - 18.07.2020

Session 9: An Unlikely Gathering

07:26 pm - 18.07.2020

The Battles Ahead

It seems that perhaps selfishness has gotten us into this predicament, and so much has happened. We chose to come here to find out what happened to some missing wizards, with the hope of finding some useful loot and items. When we arrived we were attacked...

07:27 am - 01.07.2020

Rescuing the wizard

We had a run in with the Blod Nasra. We saved some wizard that had gone missing, but I have to admit that my primary goal was to test myself against them. I am still getting used to these powers, especially those meant for healing. I charged in with my y...

06:47 am - 01.07.2020

Day One: searching for Zheng

Heading south appears to have been the right call. I was invited to a meeting with the local leaders to investigate the unnatural weather here. I am hoping it has something to do with Zheng, and what I am supposed to do. So many questions have been left ...

01:39 pm - 26.06.2020

Session 8: End With a Flourish

10:17 pm - 20.06.2020

Session 8: End With a Flourish

07:39 pm - 20.06.2020

Session 7: A Hulk Absconding

09:01 pm - 13.06.2020

Session 7: A Hulk Absconding

08:02 pm - 13.06.2020

Session 6

08:54 pm - 06.06.2020

Session 6

07:25 pm - 06.06.2020

Session 4: Shattered Expectations

09:04 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 4: Shattered Expectations

09:04 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 3: Orion, the Misfortune Bringer

09:04 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 3: Orion, the Misfortune Bringer

09:03 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 2: The Far Northlands

09:03 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 2: The Far Northlands

09:03 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 1: Winter Begins, to the Osling

09:03 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 1: Winter Begins, to the Osling

09:03 pm - 27.05.2020

Session 5:

09:00 pm - 23.05.2020

Session 5:

07:35 pm - 23.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Biri.

Played by

Other Characters by KickerC4