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Rickie Rocky Gale Balbo-a

Chaotic Neutral Pygmy Tabaxi (Urban Bounty Hunter)
Monk 3
25 / 25 HP

Rickie Gale, the Pygmy Tabaxi, is a fascinating blend of urban rogue flair and feline charm, standing at a mere 1.6 feet with a chubby, kitten-like countenance.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Origin - Tales of Old

Varrus Harui Lucielle Rickie
Run by AngelLucielle
Wed 24th Jan 2024 12:06

Entry #165

by Rickie Rocky Gale Balbo-a

Day 1 Arrival: I've arrived within Origin at last... i don't know if i will find that I've come looking for here on this new foreign land. But i will find them regardless, i will hunt and chase until the ends of the world if i must.
Day 2 New lodgings: I've stayed within the settlemet for about a day now, and I've come across some new lodgings a nice temple/orphanage, ran by an individual named Father Uthemar? . He doesn't know I've taken up residence within the temple but there will come a day when he figures out, ill tackle that when we get that far...
Day 4 *this part of the journal is unreadable*
Day 5 Financial burden: I feel I've been a financial burden on this temple long enough, im going to head out of the settlement and take on some jobs to gain some quick gold, hopefully i can use that to leverage my stay here...
Day 6 KIDS!!!: The kids in the orphanage found me while i was napping... they've now decided that i am the new house cat, despite me telling them otherwise. I'll try to lose their trails and keep myself more hidden from now on...*rest of the text is illegible*... I DON'T KNOW HOW THEY KEEP FINDING ME, BUT THEY DO, THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE. I MIGHT NEED TO FIND A NEW PLACE TO STAY!
Day 7 Peace and quiet: Finally, the kids have gotten used to my existence, with the help of Sister Brina the kids realized that i am in fact not a house pet, though they still treat me like one... I can live with this however... I need to get more money for the orphanage, while im out i need to look for clues.
Day 8 New day, New Arrivals: Today is a new day, I've encountered some new arrivals here at the settlement today. One of them seem to have gravitated towards the Orphanage and the Temple of the Moon. She's of a race I've never seen before, ill keep my distance for now, if things get hairy ill take care of things.
Day 10 New friends: I've come to find that this angelic elven being, is actually quite kind, they refer to themselves a Lucielle, they seem to be quite curious. Im happy they too didn't mistake me for a house cat, i'll try to interact with them more and see what happens.
Day 15: I like it here, the Oprhanage and temple are doing nice, ive made some acquaintances around town, as well as made a new friend within the temple, in the form of Lucielle, things seems to be good for now, but i can't get too attached to this place, i still have a journey to follow through on, and a duty to uphold.
Day 30 Conflicted: I don't know what to think, i've been here for 30 days now... I like it here, i might like it too much, the Orphanage, Father Uthemar, Sister Brina, Mother Vera, Lucielle... I've grown attached, the kids of the Orphanage feel like my little siblings from back home. Oh how i miss them, this place is slowly becoming a home, i didn't realize how much i missed it up until now...
Day 40: My Journey, my duty, my job, will always be to finish what i came here for... But im starting to think that getting attached to places and people might not be so bad, Lucielle is to curious for her own good, i need to watch over her. The Orphanage needs a cartaker and money, ill provide it for them, Father Uthemar needs more exercise, i'll fix that. Mother Vera is getting old, i'll see what i can do about her back pain, and Sister Brina doesn't need my help, but i still feel i should be there for them... Money, i need Money and i need to travle, I know Lucielle is a Cleric, maybe she'll want to come with me on the Journey? I might need to explain my situation.

The major events and journals in Rickie's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rickie.

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Other Characters by TrueHakai