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Connor Coragem

Connor Coragem

People usually notice the glowing eyes when Connor walks in the room quickly followed by his strange attire, mask on face and a wide brimmed hat adorned with the pelt of a creature twisted by the taint of chaos. Ever vigilant Connor is out in the world looking for the taint of chaos or so that what he tells those around him. If one watches closely you might notice Connor is always eyeing the exit as he likes to be able to get out of whatever he gets into at the same speed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wiry but with underlying muscle that one whould expect to see on someone who fights chaos

Facial Features

Conner has a slim face thats almost always covered by a mask but his glowing eyes take almost all of the attention.

Apparel & Accessories

Conners trophy mounted hat and mask are staples of any outfit Connor is seen in.

Mental characteristics


During the war worked in the king's administrative offices till wars end but due to a run of bad luck had to resign his position In the aftermath Connor found the then new Chaos Hunters Guild and with this up and coming organization needing clerical assistance once again began work After a personal encounter with chaos Conner has set aside paperwork and taken up field work.

A self-proclaimed successful hunter of chaos and wayfinder of bureaucracy. Glowing eyes, large hat and the pelt of a damned creature, all staples of Connor when he walks in the room.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutal
Date of Birth
936 TR
Bright Blue
Grey Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5ft 11in
187 Lbs

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Connor's Notes of the Story so Far
14th day of Elesant

+Mr. Ungart is an ex coworker (libarian) from the king's court I worked with. +Simon Rimein is a owner of the Clowd Spring Casinos in Mijorn +Genral Odar. Dwarf who commanded rear group of the front. Knows more than it appears when it comes to kingdom happenings, knew there was going to be a change of leadership +The shattering is when the lands split during the end of the war +Cladwin is where the king's (alive in Mijorn) informants are located +Tree east of the city in one month's time to meet with the king +Grey Skillit in Mijorn owner is named Preet Slyfoot +Ask Vallenwood about getting more ammo +Nosgoth is where the chaos hunters have retreated towards +Follers of Caladrius outside of Mijorn is the sect of chaos hunters I'm apart of. -Hector Savole is the leader of the guild +Connor's uncle name is Morris Coragem -Is a Rizzard +Hajji McNalius is the guild leader of our sister (chaos hunter) guild +Hector has agreed to arrange for Chaos hunters to join us in the meeting with the king as well as provision/supply the journey to Cladwin +Lotana Shammas is the chaos hunter trader +Cammonbear De'blanke is the King's informant we are too meet in Cladwin +


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