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Sir Methos Stonebow

Level 5 Human Lawful Good Paladin
/ 49 HP

Methos Stonebow , Lord Stonebow, Knight of the Watch, Picker of Apples, Wearer of Calcryx the White, Puppet Defender, Opener of Secret Ways, and President of the Tolnius Geranicus fan club.

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Tue 10th Mar 2020 12:16


by Sir Methos Stonebow

Methos is the fourth child of Andar and Alena, the Count and Countess Stonebow, of the Grand Duchy of Geoff. House Stonebow began almost three hundred years ago with the 1st Count, Rolf. He was a ranger given the name Stonebow, and his titles by the Grand Duke during the Giant Wars. The House tradition holds there is no greater duty than to protect humans, and demi-humans from the giants, and their minions.
Methos realized early that there is nothing more pointless than yet another un-needed Lordling, so he strove to become a Knight and Paladin, which are normally the highest goals of the young men of the Grand Duchy. Realizing that even this was not enough to gain the attention of his parents he left Geoff for Greyhawk and adventure.

The major events and journals in Methos's history, from the beginning to today.


Methos is the fourth child of Andar and Alena, the Count and Countess Stonebow, of the Grand Duchy of Geoff. House Stonebow began almost three hundred years ago with the 1st Count, Rolf. He was a ranger given the name Stonebow, and his titles by t...

12:16 am - 10.03.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Methos.

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